Firefighter? Military? Security?

Should ideally address the issue of pissbottles stinking up the vehicle as well, as it's gelling your urine instead of just storing it. And I always hated making the transition from one 500ml water bottle to the next. I don't know where that extra 250ml of urine keeps coming from, but it always seems to be there.
Was going through Isreal and Egypt once. Every 10-20 min catching this nasty piss smell. Brother pissed in a G-bottle and laid it on the floor. Every time we slowed down the bottle would roll to the front. Speed up again and it would roll to the back.
I've used similar devices back when I was working as part of a CBRN/HAZMAT team , while working on drug labs etc. Sometimes that similar device was a nitrile glove lol
When my son was three years old and we were stuck at the border crossing before Nexis he used these lol. A couple times.
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