SKS Mag adapter special, now with free XCR mag, limited special

As any gunsmith can change the caliber of a firearm, often requiring the modification of the mag well, there is no reason this would be illegal.
Thanks Nagol,

As I mentioned, I'm a little new to this and just want to understand the situation. Common sense would dictate that if a legitimate company had set themselves up to market the device and provide instruction on how to implement it, they'd already looked into it all.

I've just heard horror stories of guys with all the best intentions to follow the law, going out to have a fun day of shooting only to get cornered by an officer not willing to back down but also not fully understanding the law himself and John Q. Public gets in hot water.

Sadly sometimes paper is the best armor in these situations
That's exactly what I figured. If they're selling I'm sure they're legal. No need to stir the pot is all I'm saying. You know how they like to take the fun away from us.
Free plug for HiCal cause these rifle setups are too awesome!!!!


Runs like a top after they are properly tweaked.
I've been looking to buy an AR mag adaptor for my SKS. Is this specific adaptor an improvement on the "G9" imported from the USA by Magwedge?

I've been looking to buy an AR mag adaptor for my SKS. Is this specific adaptor an improvement on the "G9" imported from the USA by Magwedge?

Absolutely going to be better. Its MADE IN CANADA! Ergonomics look better too.
And looking at the install of the 2 it looks like there is less effing around with HiCal's product.

cross posting a competitors product is probably seen as "uncool" to the owners of this thread btw.
Absolutely going to be better. Its MADE IN CANADA! Ergonomics look better too.
And looking at the install of the 2 it looks like there is less effing around with HiCal's product.

cross posting a competitors product is probably seen as "uncool" to the owners of this thread btw.

Thanks for the info. Sorry about cross posting, I just couldn't find anyone comparing the 2, which isn't obvious for anyone shopping online just by looking at photos of a chunk of machined steel.

I've got money to spend and would love to hear the HiCal guys chime in on this -- as they designed this product they definitely know best.
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Thanks for the info. Sorry about cross posting, I just couldn't find anyone comparing the 2, which isn't obvious for anyone shopping online just by looking at photos of a chunk of machined steel.

I've got money to spend and would love to hear the HiCal guys chime in on this -- as they designed this product they definitely know best.

Not that I'm an expert but I just sent them my money. I like the look of the HiCal design, comes with a Mag right now too. Watch the video on their webpage showing how smooth the mags engage too. seems solid.
Ordered the adapter on Wednesday. Arrived of Friday. Picked up this morning. I modified my bolt on Friday. Few hours on the dremel today, and a call to HiCal to verify some small points.

Friendly answer to all my questions. Very pleased with how I was treated - considering I am just a guy that was about to Bubba his SKS.

Back to my basement workbench with new knowledge in hand. Probably took 2 hours longer than it should have, but I attribute that to my (self-perceived) OCD. Grind - test fit - grind - test fit, repeat until satisfied. Lotsa measuring with dial gauges, plasti-gauge, and calipers (probably a little overboard).

Then ground out my stock to fit the adapter, got a nice, snug fit.

Wasn't happy completely with the fact that had a little bit of rattle, once installed. A well placed small piece of oil soaked leather tightened everything right up - no play in the adapter-to-receiver, now. (Might drill and tap a set screw into the forward arm of the adapter).

Tried mags. Pop-and-drop gold! Tried them all, just to be sure. Rounds feed freely, good ejection.

I was taking my case of surplus and pulling 5 from each stripper clip. Not any more! 10 round stripper clips like butter. Now I can load my other surplus ammo onto the empty clips in 5's for the CZ's.

In case you can't tell, I am HAPPY!

Worst problem I see is all of a sudden I have a desire to equip the rest of the SKS fleet, this way. Meaning more $ to Hi-Cal.

My name is Sunchild2071, and I recommend this mod (if you give a sh!t).
ordered mine on Tuesday, had it in my hands Friday. Fit and finish is quite nice. the mag slides in with a precise fit and falls out with just the push of a button. I'll be doing the install over the next few days. will post up some pics and a report of the work.
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