Matbock Amphibian


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
The Matbock Amphibian combines the two most critical components for survival during any operation, air and water, into one compact system. All operators carry some type of water system on their kit and at times are required to carry air for emergency situations. Normally, the air system is stuffed into a pouch/bag or attached to the vehicle, making it very difficult to reach in an emergency.
The Amphibian provides the solution to carry both systems on your back with one combined sleeve carrying both hoses over your shoulder for easy access to both air and water whenever needed. Your brain requires you to perform any task over 10,000 times before it becomes ingrained into your muscle memory. While you will never practice emergency situations 10,000 times, you will reach for your water hose 10,000 times. Having your water and air combined into the same housing provides warriors with the solution to having your air and water when and where you need them the most.

The Amphibian is designed to save lives while providing operators with a low profile, low weight, tactical system that builds upon existing muscle memory in every soldier.


2L Bladder
SEA Air Bottle

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