CDX-R7 SHEEPDOG & SHEPHERD Actions and Strike Nuke micro-chassis

I just want the specs for weight, If its on par with my hunting rig Ill upgrade in a heartbeat

Precisely...that'll be material in my decision. Price point as well, to some degree...but weight being my foremost consideration. Right now I am leaning towards a Christensen BA Tactical or potentially a custom build...but certainly want to/would rather buy Canadian if at all possible.
No clue, but from what I have heard, they are supposed to be a more budget conscious platform. Guess we will find out in late Jan/early Feb 2017. That is unless Patrice does us all a favour before SHOT?!!!? ;)

That's good to know. Ive been toying with doing a bolt gum build for a while.
.243 Coyote Rig :) Just sent an email to Patrice to place an

Will report back if that caliber is available.
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