New Arrivals from Switzerland...

Well look a look at the amount that has been sold in two days and I am really impressed. That is a lot of stock to move in a couple days!

1/1 Swiss ZFK 55 (sniper) at 5000$
15/15 P210s at 2500$ each
3/3 Swiss M1906 Lugers at 2700$ each
1/7 Swiss 1882/29 Revolver a 500$ each
5/7 Restricted Swiss 1882 Revolvers at 550$ each
8/10 Antique Swiss 1882 Revolvers at 1300$ each
Well look a look at the amount that has been sold in two days and I am really impressed. That is a lot of stock to move in a couple days!

1/1 Swiss ZFK 55 (sniper) at 5000$
15/15 P210s at 2500$ each
3/3 Swiss M1906 Lugers at 2700$ each
1/7 Swiss 1882/29 Revolver a 500$ each
5/7 Restricted Swiss 1882 Revolvers at 550$ each
8/10 Antique Swiss 1882 Revolvers at 1300$ each

They sold some Chinese SKS also. :)
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