Ruger American in 450BM

Did you buy one ? and have you had a chance to shoot it yet and if so where did you find the ammo ?

Worth checking on this - I'm very interested in the 450 BM but have yet to source brass or loaded ammo. You cooould kinda get away with making it from 284... but from what "they" are saying online it's a pain in the arse due to the 450BM not really using standard 284 dimensioned brass when being designed. So Prophet - any chance you'll be bringing brass too?
Not that I know more than the next guy, but from what I understand Alexander arms is pretty fussy over any agreements and holds any contracts or info close to their chest, hence why you don't see 50beo much. 450 bm is better for my purposes anyways.

How much are people paying for their factory loads? I can't seem to even find it listed... though searching from a phone isnt helping.
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