We need to support Maxime Bernier

It all looks good. Im not too crazy about this part though:


(a) a fully-automatic firearm,

(b) a firearm that is adapted from a rifle or shotgun, whether by sawing, cutting or any other alteration, and that, as so adapted, is less than 660 mm in length.

(c) a firearm that is listed as prohibited prior to June 20, 2016.
That kind of puts the kibosh on removing stuff from the prohib list. It's good and bad though.
Sh*t or get off the pot boys! I want everything over night as bad as the next guy, i admit it. I would say Maxime's plan is roughly 2/3 of what we want.
It costs 15 bucks to become a member of the PC party to vote for party leadership. I believe the vote is may28th.

Firearm owners have an opportunity to participate in this and be pro-active. Make the most of it, because things can go very bad without our input.
I was already leaning his way based
On his fiscal announcements.
I wish O'Leary wasn't here to muddy
the water though.
I think if any PC of this group has a chance in hell
of getting a seat in La Belle Province it's this guy.

Thank you for the links Farmboy.

P.S. O'Leary doesn't stand a chance. Too many shallow
know nothings vote for hair.
We must fight hair with hair. It's not right, just saying.
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Just read over his policies. There's not a lot of stuff there that I can disagree with. He seems like about as close to libertarian as we're going to find in a candidate with an actual chance of winning. I happily sent him a donation.
Well, I'm not sure if I'm proud or ashamed, but this is the first time in my 42 years of life that I've felt the need to join a political party --- 5 year membership purchased and I'm going to try to get more active on that front. Thanks for the heads up, Farmboy!
Yes. I've come to the conclusion that Bernier is my choice too, for a number of reasons.

I wonder how electable he is in Quebec btw? If he was the head of the party?
I've been on Mad Max's train since the get-go. His fiscal and social policies are genuine conservative, and I hope his francophone roots will resonate in La Belle Province.

I'd love to see the Prohibited classes struck down, but I don't see us ever getting those sorts of reforms. I think his plans are sound, and would like to push for property rights going forward.

Need to make sure we don't get saddled with O'Leary or one of the other Red Tory candidates out there...
First time I've ever contributed to a campaign and this email got me to join the CPC again. He's the right guy for the job, no question. My only concern is this, is he TOO right for the average undecided canadian? Not sure. I like him though.
Just read over his policies. There's not a lot of stuff there that I can disagree with. He seems like about as close to libertarian as we're going to find in a candidate with an actual chance of winning. I happily sent him a donation.


This is the first time I've joined a political party but I think its time we all stand up.
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