Store closed.

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If it was today you went I'm very sorry. I've been in and out of bed sick since Sat. I'm going to make it in tomorrow. If I'm still sick Ill hide in the back.

Jaclyn doesn't have her firearms lic. so can't be left in the store.

If you want to make your order online I can waive the shipping charges and throw in a patch for you. I can also stick around after hours one night if there is an issue getting there during our open hours.
I feel bad for the OP, trying to vent his frustrations and gets made fun of by all you guys. OP best thing to do is, go stay at a Holiday Inn Express and then you'll feel better...
I feel bad for the OP, trying to vent his frustrations and gets made fun of by all you guys. OP best thing to do is, go stay at a Holiday Inn Express and then you'll feel better...

I think you should feel sorry for me, I just wasted five minutes reading this stupid thread about buddies problems with the store not being open when it's not supposed to be open. OP please get a grip on reality!
If it was today you went I'm very sorry. I've been in and out of bed sick since Sat. I'm going to make it in tomorrow. If I'm still sick Ill hide in the back.

Jaclyn doesn't have her firearms lic. so can't be left in the store.

If you want to make your order online I can waive the shipping charges and throw in a patch for you. I can also stick around after hours one night if there is an issue getting there during our open hours.

and that is a reply and a half right there!, get well soon and keep your sickness on that side of the country!..haha
OP please get a grip on reality!

Without knowing the OP's "reality" who are you to judge? Perhaps he has a significant mobility issue and trips like this are a "real" chore. Who knows, but telling guys to get a grip on reality and grow sets and all that stuff is childish and is does nothing but inflame.. What next "in the real world" which just happens to be the one I live in. You're acting whiny because you wasted 30 seconds of your life reading his post when you could have sucked down another beer in that time. Oh wait, carry on. lol.
Did you went to the store today, if so it specifically states that they are open Tuesday to Friday and post was made today February 28th at 1153am giving him plenty of opportunity to come back home and complain:). If it was yesterday then I am sure we all done something similar when we got to excited. Next time just be more thorough.
without knowing the op's "reality" who are you to judge? Perhaps he has a significant mobility issue and trips like this are a "real" chore. Who knows, but telling guys to get a grip on reality and grow sets and all that stuff is childish and is does nothing but inflame.. What next "in the real world" which just happens to be the one i live in. You're acting whiny because you wasted 30 seconds of your life reading his post when you could have sucked down another beer in that time. Oh wait, carry on. Lol.

Your so sensitive, it almost made me cry.....NOT!
If it was today you went I'm very sorry. I've been in and out of bed sick since Sat. I'm going to make it in tomorrow. If I'm still sick Ill hide in the back.

Jaclyn doesn't have her firearms lic. so can't be left in the store.

If you want to make your order online I can waive the shipping charges and throw in a patch for you. I can also stick around after hours one night if there is an issue getting there during our open hours.

Stuff like that makes me smile. I hope you feel better and i wish all business owners were as classy as you.
Just so you all know, yes it was today... I looked on here first to check. If a business knows they will be closed on a day they are normally suppose to be open they usually post to that effect. Ever notice how many times Ryan (sfrc) does this?

It was not just a regular store closed sign. It said to the effect, due to unforeseen circumstances we are closed for the day. They took the time to write that on the door but not post in there own forum?

In case none of you know.... I live in a first world.
Tough crowd for sure. LOL. But quite honestly this really isn't the place to air the OPs grievance. So it's kinda deserved. In any case, it would seem there is a valid reason for the closure, regardless of which day it was. Small business owners often rely on themselves and family to staff the counter. As mentioned his wife isn't checked out on guns, so he's the man. If he's sick....the store is closed. Still beats shopping at Walmart that's open 24 hours a day in my opinion. I'd take the small, family store any day. Hope you feel better soon Farmboy.
Website says closed on Monday...

I think you should feel sorry for me, I just wasted five minutes reading this stupid thread about buddies problems with the store not being open when it's not supposed to be open. OP please get a grip on reality!

Coming from the person that ranted here because they didn't allow your rat size dog at Cabelas.
If it was today you went I'm very sorry. I've been in and out of bed sick since Sat. I'm going to make it in tomorrow. If I'm still sick Ill hide in the back.

Jaclyn doesn't have her firearms lic. so can't be left in the store.

If you want to make your order online I can waive the shipping charges and throw in a patch for you. I can also stick around after hours one night if there is an issue getting there during our open hours.

For the win. Reason I still buy off you guys
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