Services en français?


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
Services en français?

Combien d'entre vous au Québec aimerait magasiner en dehors du Québec si le service en Francais vous était offert?
Services as in phone line or email answering in french or website in french? There is almost no need to put website in two langage anymore as google/chrome can now translate any page.
This would help your sales for sure to have some french capability over customer service.

You don't see it here, but in the franco section, some people are scared to order stuff in "sheakpeard's tongue".

No need to translate all your stuff, I would imagine a simple "service en français" tab on your site linking to a page and a phone # extension could be great.

My 2c

You'll have trouble getting the hardcore unilingual business but there can't be that many (none) of them on this forum.

Guns are like cars a bit when it comes to translation and many francophones use the English terms. Clutch, drive-shaft, axle. Slide, trigger, mag.
I am bilingual but always honored to see someone make an effort. Cant be bad... JP.
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oui c'est sur , je suis presque billingue en ecrit et ecoute mais quand c'est le temp de parler au telephone ... la je suis nul ... je magasine partout en anglais sans probleme , mais les endroit ou seul le telephone est utiliser pour les commande je ''rush''
That's how bilingual should be done.
Because the Owner felt they needed it.
Not because the storm troopers said you have to swallow. :cheers:
Je magasine déjà en ligne sur les sites anglophone mais lorsque le service est offert en français c'est toujours apprécié
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