My Last Day at Work: Bell Technician... 06 March 2017

Electronic Resignation Form can be found on INet... Sure was in interesting process... :eek:

What, you can't just show up for work in your underwear still drunk from a three day bender and get yourself fired? :dancingbanana:

Congratulations on living the dream! I'm sure a lot of us would love to be able to make a living running around in tac gear and shooting all day :ar15:
I spent 4 years as tech for BTS, was a fun job! The hours and forced OT wasn't good for the family, left a year ago. I was SPT, would be getting RFT3 now if I had stayed... glad you enjoyed it. Happy retirement.
So Barney, what kind of a example are you setting for the younger generation. Quiting your job so you could go have fun/play.

Good on ya. We need you more then Justin needs your tax dollars. :)
Now I can spend more time building IDF parts kit rifles like this most recent one...

With this barrel on the Norc or Poly receiver:

And this is the side of the receiver:

Okay, seriously folks, I can now focus on helping all of you out there, it's about improving your game and with a series of matches, you can plan your season and develop your game and mental management accordingly. That's the basis for my decision to leave a great crew and a super manager. I actually loved helping all these folks with their installs, but I've gotta move onwards. :wave:

Cheers, :evil:

Gotta watch out for that Double G Electric guy! I heard he drives like a lunatic, his employes are hired straight out of prison and is about to loose his insurance because of all the fires and electrocutions. At least you won't be driving around in a crappy dodge caravan with a blinking light on the roof!

Hope you saved all the ISP addresses and passwords you installed so you can leach of free wifi!

Soooooooo glad you ditched Bell. Looking forward to this season!
So, it's the middle of May now and I just shot 3 x 18 hole rounds yesterday with my new set of Maltby clubs paid for by Bell Technical Solutions and I'm super grateful I worked all that overtime by doing 6 days a week. ha ha ha ha

And they sure hit well! :wave:


Happy retirement!

I hope that will give you time to have CQB clinics somewhere between Ottawa and Montreal in the future

You missed this years only CQB! You should just come to the Petawawa clinics. It's really not that much distance to cover, just about an hour and a half past Ottawa. There are some nice hotels and it makes for a awesome couple of days away from the routine.
Lucky bastard. All the best Barney. One of your clinics is on my bucket list.

Until we get rained out this afternoon... No golfing for me. Either way, this retirement gig is what I needed to coordinate more appearances. For example: This Saturday 15 July 2017, Dink27 the ORA CQB Match director needed some help, so now I can step in and play Match Director while he's in the background being intelligent and organizing the match. I'm just the firing point MD or whistle blower and stop watch guy.

Then on Sunday 16 July 2017, the ORA PR fellows are running a match and I'm just a shooter and butts officer, but realistically, every organizer needs some skilled helpers... that's where I can step in and lend a hand.

Hey, it's all good. Now I just cemented down a date for the Calgary M14 TSE Clinic for 25 November 2017.... all good to go. I get to fly out west once again. Any of you Maritimers and Eastern M14 lovers want me to visit? I just need a classroom and a pointman/ local organizer and I'm booking into next spring... :cool:

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