Sending in range membership prior to purchase


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I am in the process of getting mr RPAL. I had my reference phone in, and they told me my picture was just being scanned in and then it would be issued.

My question is, once my RPAL is issued, can I send my range membership to my CFO(Sask) so that they already have it on file for when I purchase my first restricted firearm? Maybe there is no point, but I thought maybe this would speed up the purchase/transfer process once I'm ready to buy.

I am in the process of getting mr RPAL. I had my reference phone in, and they told me my picture was just being scanned in and then it would be issued.

My question is, once my RPAL is issued, can I send my range membership to my CFO(Sask) so that they already have it on file for when I purchase my first restricted firearm? Maybe there is no point, but I thought maybe this would speed up the purchase/transfer process once I'm ready to buy.


I've never scanned and sent anything, but maybe that's Alberta. I just tell them my range and membership number.
Interesting. I've been reading about people having to e-mail/fax in a copy of their membership, but maybe that is only specific provinces. Maybe someone from SK will chime in.
I would wait until you purchase your first restricted, once you have the reference number, email a copy of your range membership with the reference number in the title of your email. That is the easiest way, if you send it beforehand, almost guarantee they will request it again when you purchase,,,, they are good like that ffs :)
Was told prior to my first restricted purchase that if I called ahead and got my shooting club membership on file, it would speed up the transfer process. So I did call but was told it would take 3-5 business days to get it on file. So I waited then called back to make sure it was on file. Initiated the transfer process immediately after and I got the email notifying me it was complete the next morning.

I'm a newbie when it comes to buying restricted, but I think having the transfer itself completed in under 24 hours is pretty fast. Buying another two shortly and will see how it goes.

No reason why you can't, and it should speed up your first transfer.
It can't hurt to get it on file prior to your first purchase. Iirc when I bought my first restricted I had already applied for my paper ltatt (pre C-42), so when I called the BC CFO to follow up on my transfer the guy I spoke to said "I see you have club membership and att already, transfer approved." I had the notice of transfer and statt emailed and in my inbox before the call was finished up, pistol in hand by the next morning. Hard part was waiting for the physical registration to go and shoot it at the range.
I think it depends on which cfo's desk your transfer lands on. One year, when I bought and was going through the transfer, I recieved a phone call from the cfo asking for my club details. Recently, I was emailed, and asked for a scanned copy of my club membership.
As Edgy says, wait for the ref number then send it in. Here in NS they like to see a current membership card. I recently did the same and the transfer was approved in less than a day.
I am in Alberta, and I had to email PROOF of membership to the CFO. And then it took 10 days for the transfer. This was 4 weeks ago.

Was this your first restricted? I've done 7 transfers this year so far and have never been asked for a scan by the AB CFO. Odd.
I'm in Alberta and was sent a letter requesting whether I was a collector or target shooter after applying for a restricted. They asked for proof of membership if target shooting and something about a form if I am a collector?
I faxed them my range membership info and this is my first restricted purchase. Hopefully future ones are less problematic
Haven't heard yet if they approved the transfer I've been told the first one takes awhile
I made a purchase from one of the site sponsors on the Thursday before the Good Friday holiday. Since Easter Monday was a holiday too, I emailed the store for the Transfer Reference Number on the Tuesday after the holiday. Wednesday morning I emailed the NS CFO with the Reference number and a scan of my Club card. A couple of hours later, I received an email back from the CFO saying they updated my file and that my transfer was approved. Normally they say to expect 5-7 days for a transfer. The only real problem is that in Nova Scotia, the CFO will NOT email out the Transfer Approval -snail mail only. None the less I had the paper in hand that Friday morning. All in all, I was very pleased with both the CFO's response time and the Store for getting my purchase out as quick as they could after that.
We are fortunate enough in ON that the transfer approval gets mailed to us. However, I think the registration certificate is still snail mailed for every province. In the age of internet, one would think that they would electronically send it to you.

It would be a good update if the system allowed you to view your certs online - similar to what banks do for RRSP receipts.

I made a purchase from one of the site sponsors on the Thursday before the Good Friday holiday. Since Easter Monday was a holiday too, I emailed the store for the Transfer Reference Number on the Tuesday after the holiday. Wednesday morning I emailed the NS CFO with the Reference number and a scan of my Club card. A couple of hours later, I received an email back from the CFO saying they updated my file and that my transfer was approved. Normally they say to expect 5-7 days for a transfer. The only real problem is that in Nova Scotia, the CFO will NOT email out the Transfer Approval -snail mail only. None the less I had the paper in hand that Friday morning. All in all, I was very pleased with both the CFO's response time and the Store for getting my purchase out as quick as they could after that.
My attempts are sending the range membership in ahead of time failed for me. I used an e-mail address I found here on the forum from a few years ago, but it must not be used for that purpose any longer. When I called in after my purchase, they gave me the correct e-mail. I just called in and they said they are almost down to mine, so hopefully I will have gun in hand this week.
Looking for answers for BC here---I had a membership that lasted a year. I haven't acquired any restricted firearms since then.That membership has now expired--will I have to renew it in order for them to approve future transfers?
No reason why you can't, and it should speed up your first transfer.

Don't wait until you get the transfer number.
I don't know about SK but with the CFO, that covers AB and NT, I just call in at the first of the year, and double check the email address, then send them a copy with my PAL number and other info and then when I make my next purchase my membership is already on file.
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