

CGN Ultra frequent flyer
It could look that way with the New Products found here on our website.

However, we new it was going to work when we started selling KAC MAMS brakes and kayak safety kits on the same order. :d

Yes, we do have a wide variety of products, from high end black rifles like Knight's Armament, to sleeping bags, to paddling clothing, however we have found over the past couple years our clients have a wide range of hobbies.

So if you shoot, camp, paddle, climb, hike, snowshoe, prep or need something for work, we probably have something for you.

Thinking about shopping at a big box outdoor store? Ask yourself if they support your shooting hobby, if not, come shop with us and keep our numbers strong. Besides, we usually have prices that are close or better than them. :cool::cool::cool:

Thank you so much for your continued support!!
Do you think your previously kayak only (?) customers know you as a gun store too? Curious.

We only added the paddling side of thing a couple years ago due to local demand (paddling club and we are right on the Trent River)

If our kayak only clients didn't know we have guns, they didn't look around the store too much LOL
I drive by almost daily, but I haven't been in the store in a while, if I did any regular shopping in there, I'd be broke and single, so much awesome stuff I could convince myself I, although I'd be very well equipped for any mission/adventure...
Haha, it's like MEC but with guns... and cooler tactical stuff and no tree hugging hipsters! :p

Meh, the only trees today's crop of MEC customers are hugging are indoor display models. Thank God for shops like OST - too bad it's so far away from Calgary.
Totally forgot about this pic LOL

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