Bad Experience.

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Thanks Sara, I welcome the communication; it is much appreciated; and appreciate you allowing me to call you; communication is everything.

Thank you.


So after opening up a huge can of worms with this needless thread here on CGN you are now thanking the owner for her communication. So an employee made a mistake. You choose to drive 2.5 hours X 2. Find out about this mistake and don`t try to have it solved at the time by asking to speak to the owner or at least have the owner contact you. Instead you try to drag the store name and the employee`s name through the mud and even go so far as insult them with CGN, personally I would ask you not to return to the store.
Walk into any gun store and 95% of them are very busy. Very limited staff and with the volume of guns and accessories these people need to have knowledge about you/we are lucky he knew what you where asking about. But unlucky for you he made a simple mistake and you come crying to CGN like a little #####. I would expect something like this from a 10 year old not someone 18 plus with a firearms licence and hopefully some common sense. Now with my 2 cents added I do hope things get worked out for you.
All the best.
I think we can all recognize that their are 2 very clear positions here on the thread, those who recognize people make mistakes and it's not about the mistake but more so about making it right, and then you have those who expect no mistakes to ever happen and troll threads to stomp people when they're down. All positions aside, the only thing that truly matters in the end is that the situation and the customer was taken care of. It sounds like Sara is in touch with the customer and I am confident it is being handled and am sure we will all hear about the result. So until then, we can all agree to disagree and decide where we want to spend our money, I know for a fact that they're few store owners that would give out their personal cell phone number, and in many cases aren't even involved with customer service at all, they are separated by several staff and an answering machine. LANZ is not one of them!!
But I guess I'm just a fanboy lmfao!!
I have been to just about every gun store in The GTA and Ontario for that matter. Been to a couple on the East Coast also. Most I like but a few I don`t and one in particular I will never set foot in again as long as I live and I havn`t in 18 years due to the treatment my wife received. We went back together to that particular store and could not come to an agreement but for the life of me I will never bash them on a public forum. Other people do like them but I don`t Big deal it`s my choice to be a sissy about it but I don`t have the right to name names and possibly hurt a stores reputation especially over something as trivial as a mix up over a magazine and lack of a phone call immediately.
I have been to just about every gun store in The GTA and Ontario for that matter. Been to a couple on the East Coast also. Most I like but a few I don`t and one in particular I will never set foot in again as long as I live and I havn`t in 18 years due to the treatment my wife received. We went back together to that particular store and could not come to an agreement but for the life of me I will never bash them on a public forum. Other people do like them but I don`t Big deal it`s my choice to be a sissy about it but I don`t have the right to name names and possibly hurt a stores reputation especially over something as trivial as a mix up over a magazine and lack of a phone call immediately.

You do so have the right to name names. ... I want to hear about other people's bad experiences. May not cross that store off my list but at least I can be weary
I believe in transparency. Whether it is bad or good experience anyone have the right to share their experience. I always go to google or forums for reviews and I will make up my own conclusion whether to try a store or not.
I agree, transparency is the key word.

Everyone makes mistakes.

How they fix those mistakes will depend if I am going to be their costumer or not.
I believe in transparency. Whether it is bad or good experience anyone have the right to share their experience. I always go to google or forums for reviews and I will make up my own conclusion whether to try a store or not.
I agree, transparency is the key word.

Everyone makes mistakes.

How they fix those mistakes will depend if I am going to be their costumer or not.

We have a feed back rating for fellow members. This is how some members choose to leave feedback on sponsors.

Not difficult.

Exactly. Well said on both accounts. Stores have freedom to decide how they want to run their business. Customers have freedom to review. Keep it in mind that normally smart potential customers don't get turn off right away just because of one review. We look for consistency of reviews.

Like Greenbob said, people make mistake and the way a store deal with their mistake that usually determine the whole review. Again, it does not mean that reviewers always right. We look for consistency.
Just make sure that the facts are as stated, then people can make up their own minds. Everyone has his or her own set of criteria.
The store review system by posting in a forum is inherently flawed because most people who are satisfied by the service there received do not post their experience. The people who post are generally those who were not fully satisfied by their experience.
For EE it's generally a give and take situation, I leave feedback I get feedback. End of story.
I contacted Lanz by email looking for a 9 round magazine for my Zastava M57. Dave called me back and said that he had one.

I called him last Saturday, and was specific about what I needed, and was again assured that they had those mags in stock; so I told them that I would drive down and get them. The drive was almost 2 1/2 hours each way for me. I got there, and no mags; and he tried to tell me that the 8 round mags for the TT33 would work (not a chance). He assured myself and my wife that he could get those mags for me from the US and that he would be in touch on Tuesday.

Tuesday came and went but I contacted them Wed. and was told that he has Tuesdays off. I was told in an email that he would be back to me Thursday (today); no response.

Save yourselves the frustration of dealing with someone that not only seems not to care, but who seems to know very little about what they are talking about.

I regret having ever contacted them, and I think that Canadian Gun Nuts could do a whole lot better than Lanz as a sponsor.

Mark R

Imagine if you have decided to walk to the store???
How many hours?
I can't help but laugh at some of these idiotic replies but I guess stupidity is strong in some people. That being said, the bottom line is simple, merchant made a mistake and in turn this mistake cost OP time and money. Part of customer service is making things right. "Dave" should have admitted his mistake, taken it like a man, apologized and then asked how the situation could be fixed. Dismissing the man regardless of how long it took him to get there is not the proper way to do business and then failing to call him back is adding insult to injury. Hopefully "Sara" will make things right.
make it right? Fix the mistake? I don't know why everyone these days feel they deserve compensation for every minor thing.

All that happened here was that an employee mixed up an item with another. Considering that there are hundreds of different guns with hundreds of different magazines, it's easy to see how something like this could happen.

This thread is a mountain made from a molehill.
Who drives 5 hours just to buy a mag? The OP could've just had it mailed or couriered, but instead chose to take an unnecessary long drive. The OP knows mistakes can happen, and it seems one did in this case. Now he comes here complaining about how horribly wronged he was and some others here jumping in and agreeing without even thinking. While Lanz may have made a mistake, they didn't make the OP take that drive. He compounded the mistake himself with that choice. So all you saying "aw gee, if I drove 5 hours for nothing I'd be pissed", you need to rethink that as you would only have yourself to be 'pissed' at. This is a useless rant thread. The vendor has responded so there really is no further need for this. Time to close it up and move on.
"Trade related disputes originating from the Equipment Exchange forums or with CGN business members [i.e. Dealers] shall be confined to the trader rating system and private messaging."

OP's feedback file is blank - nothing left, nothing received.
OP posted at least four threads on at least two different websites.
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