Why IRUNGUNS advertises in USD...


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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As the majority of our business is in the US and www.irunguns.com services both countries it is not an easy request to advertise in Canadian funds.

1. The customer would be pretty upset if he or she purchased off our site from an ad that was 2 months old only to find out that they were charged an additional 4 to 6% because of the exchange rate changing from when the ad was posted to when he or she actually made the purchase.

2. The other problem in that is that we do charge in USD and different credit cards have different exchange rates that they charge the customer. The best option is to get an Amazon Credit Card as they do not pad the exchange rate when the currency is converted.

3. If IRUNGUNS was to advertise in Canadian funds it would never be accurate because of the heavy fluctuations in the currency. The easiest way to find the current exchange is to google "US to Canadian funds" and a currency calculator will pop up.

I hope that helps

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It's a lot more useful to our spouses.

" it was a great deal honey, I paid 499 and everywhere else had it for 749 so I saved money"
That makes perfect sense to me, besides only it takes like 30 seconds to just plug that price into xe.com to get a better idea of the cost in CDN.
I know (FRAUD ALERT) is anti gun- but i have purchased all types of firearms parts on amazon.com to the best of my knowledge they do not sell lower receivers or complete guns, but any other accessories are available I see even amazon.ca has muzzle breaks, holsters speed belts, rail systems etc. Hope this helps. The US list price is a blessing, as we can have a better idea of the mark up we are paying in Canada. and when the loonie gets a bit better, it will be nice to buy guns for those ridiculous american prices!

Isn't Amazon anti-gun ? Using/promoting Amazon credit card wouldn't be against this community principle ?
good this should stop the whining.

most people should be able to easily search a currency converter as find the Irunguns website. There model is a American retailer who uses their Canadian import/export license to sell across the boarder. Once upon the Canadian Dollar was at par then Turdo....
Some people like to complain for no reason. You're a US based company so of course your cost are in USD. I bought guns in USD from you before and will do it again.
A floating header or something to that effect linked to XE or another current currency calculator may help some people who are computer challenged or inept.
The USD prices don't bother me much, but since no one else is doing it, I'll play devil's advocate for a second:

1. The customer is already pretty upset when he finds out the price is actually 30-40% higher due to exchange rate. That's a lot more than 4-6% percent price variation. And even if we don't talk about the fact that sometimes (half the time actually) that variation would be in favour of the customer, the point is that prices need to be right on the website, not in ads. Due to inflation, older advertisement almost always advertise prices that are lower than current prices (see the amount of necro-thread popping up with a comment such as "is this still in stock" for crates of ammos at 2010 prices...). I'm fairly certain that your own advertisement that are 2+ years old offer prices that are lower than what you sell for today.

2. That's the whole point. Most people, all over the world, are used to their own currencies, and that's the currency they want to pay with. And when people say "the canadian site should be in CAD", you gotta admit that they have a point. What people are asking is for you to take care of the exchange rate, at least for items on the canadian website. And it does makes sense. Anyone who orders from amazon.com expects to pay in USD, but those ordering from amazon.ca expect to pay in CAD. Since the amount of money you would exchange is probably much higher than any of your individual customers, you would get better exchange rate than any of us, including those with an amazon credit card. In any case, suggesting people get an amazon credit card is helpful, but not that much: some can't at all for many reasons, but for anyone, getting a credit card for a single transaction is a hassle, and it kills any chance of impulse purchase. If you don't want to take a currency risk by setting a price on canadian inventory at the moment the inventory crosses the borders, there are ways to hedge against those risks, and on larger volume, those hedge cost meaningless amount of money and don't need much financial knowledge to set them up.

3. Almost nobody has access to the posted rate, even with an amazon credit card. But in any case, the problem isn't that people can't find out a ballpark rate, it's that they expect a canadian website to show prices in canadian dollars.

And a bonus: Having the canadian site with a .US extension is just plain weird.
I think the policy absolutely makes sense. I suppose users' complaints are that if they're googling for a gun, gun part, etc. and an IRG link appears, it isn't apparent to a first time visitor that the currency is in USD.
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