Why IRUNGUNS advertises in USD...

I don't pay anything for bank drafts. The convenience would be that I could go to my bank, get a draft for the $499USD that IRG wants and know exactly how much it would cost me in CDN.

As it stands right now, I have two uncertain costs:
  • The cost of the item as charged by the CC company
  • The amount of GST which isn't determined until the item gets to Canada which IRG gets charged based on the rate in place when the item is physically imported

On top of it, you get hit with a $25 USD fee per item for shipping. Seems to me that it doesn't or certainly shouldn't cost the same to ship a little 22 pistol as it does to ship a 50BMG rifle.


1-You can call your CC company and ask for the current rate. It'll be something close to posted rate +2.5%.
2-The variation on the exchange rate between the moment your order an item and the moment it crosses the border and the rate on GST is set is minimal. An extreme case would be about 5% (e.g. the exchange rate is 1.35 the moment your order and 1.40 the moment it crosses the border), applied on a 5% taxes it means a variation of 0.25% of the price of your item. That's 2.50$ on a 1000$ item.

The flat 25$ fee has probably more to do with filing documents than physically transporting the item itself. In any case, flat fees are clear and easy to understand for consumers, so I appreciate this better than some arcane formula.

Most Canadian banks offer US Visa or MC Credit cards and chequing accounts. It is really quite simple, I pay with a US Visa. Once the transaction is posted, I transfer the exact US amount from my Canadian account to my US account and pay the bill. No transaction fees, just the exact exchange rate the bank offers me. IRun Guns eats the Visa fee that all suppliers are charged per transaction.
I then pay the shipping and Canadian taxes with my Canadian Visa. Again, no transaction fees.
Takes 2 minutes at my computer. Way quicker than going to the bank for a money order.

You pay the spread when you transfer money from your canadian account to your US account. It's included in the "the exact exchange rate the bank offers me" rate. My bank offered me rates that were not much better than what my CC charges for my volume. There's no such thing as a free lunch with banks, just some deals are better than others.
Calling your bank will not get you the percentage that your charged at. That percentage is not set on the day you order but rather on the day that the charge is posted. This can be 2 to 5 days later.

The GST you are charged is not determined at the rate on the day you order, it is done on the day it crosses the border. This can be a month later.

Tack on shipping x2 and with all those "stacked tolerances", the deal may not be so hot as initially assumed.
Using the Amazon.ca card is close to a no fee Visa card. I've done the math and visa/mc must set the daily rate whenever the currency is lowest that day plus a little extra. The 1% cash back on the amazon card negates the .75% "no-fee" exchange rate. Pretty good if you ask me. Makes the other cards in reality a 3% forex fee.
got the visa Marriott rewards and no fees
i travel a lot in the us for work and use this card for all my us transactions
best solution for compared to my canadian bank card and fees and varie from 2.5 to 4 % depending on the bank
i did a lot of research before choosing my credit card
i never been a fan of anything or anyone but i am very pleased
with the items i get from IRG and the process and price was good for me

keep up the good work guys

I don't pay anything for bank drafts. The convenience would be that I could go to my bank, get a draft for the $499USD that IRG wants and know exactly how much it would cost me in CDN.

As it stands right now, I have two uncertain costs:
  • The cost of the item as charged by the CC company
  • The amount of GST which isn't determined until the item gets to Canada which IRG gets charged based on the rate in place when the item is physically imported

On top of it, you get hit with a $25 USD fee per item for shipping. Seems to me that it doesn't or certainly shouldn't cost the same to ship a little 22 pistol as it does to ship a 50BMG rifle.


Lol it obviously doesn't cost the same to ship a 50 bmg as a 22 pistol. It costs way more. Don't like their policies, don't buy from them. They have access to a lot that we don't from our canadian distribution network, or is a lot cheaper even with their "nefarious hidden fees". They also have items that are more expensive than what we have here. Don't buy those items. As for the money order/ bank draft, that is a very inefficient way of transacting. If i had their business I wouldn't do it either.
Find out how much above the prime posted exchange rate your cc charges and all of a sudden those uncertain charges become more certain.

Or again just don't buy from them.
As the majority of our business is in the US and www.irunguns.com services both countries it is not an easy request to advertise in Canadian funds.

1. The customer would be pretty upset if he or she purchased off our site from an ad that was 2 months old only to find out that they were charged an additional 4 to 6% because of the exchange rate changing from when the ad was posted to when he or she actually made the purchase.

2. The other problem in that is that we do charge in USD and different credit cards have different exchange rates that they charge the customer. The best option is to get an Amazon Credit Card as they do not pad the exchange rate when the currency is converted.

3. If IRUNGUNS was to advertise in Canadian funds it would never be accurate because of the heavy fluctuations in the currency. The easiest way to find the current exchange is to google "US to Canadian funds" and a currency calculator will pop up.

I hope that helps

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you don't have to explain yourself to the whiners... they will only find something else to whine about.
Guess I got in under the wire because I have one. Strictly for US purchases and when I buy off Amazon
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