sks trigger job

I would not recommend modifying the sear on an SKS without prior research or knowledge, in about 30 seconds with a file you can make it discharge while releasing the bolt and it will run away until empty. Took me a couple hours to figure out and fix mine, call it a learning experience.

$99 is pretty good deal.

Look I am not advocating doing it without knowing what you are doing first. But there is tons of info you can READ and figure it out pretty quick. The operating principles of a SKS trigger are far from complicated. Also a file was never near any that I have done, you are removing tiny amounts of metal at a time, checking fit and then taking a bit more off. Many SKS rifles come with a trigger that has bad sear engagement in the first place, several I have done I have made them safer to use, not the other way around.
Im getting that too, takes you to the hical website but there are no listings posted on your page. I however am on my cell phone so that could possibly be the issue.

If I tell my phone to request the desktop page it showed up.

So hical, your mobile page doesn't show any prices. Might want to look into that.

Look I am not advocating doing it without knowing what you are doing first. But there is tons of info you can READ and figure it out pretty quick. The operating principles of a SKS trigger are far from complicated. Also a file was never near any that I have done, you are removing tiny amounts of metal at a time, checking fit and then taking a bit more off. Many SKS rifles come with a trigger that has bad sear engagement in the first place, several I have done I have made them safer to use, not the other way around.

I'm with you. The sks has a very easy to work on trigger, and YouTube and the interwebz has all the info one would need to do it properly, including lots of safety warnings about what NOT to do. Plus, if you fkk it up, you can buy a new sear.
Trigger Job = $99
Barrel Shortening + Crown and polish $99.99
Magwell install = $249.99
sks optic rail = $99.99
magazine adapter = $$199.99
3 X LAR 15 pistol mags were $32.99 each
the sks itself = $229.99
Vortex strikefire II = $279.99
STI Strikeforce Stock = $149.99

And I cant for the life of me remember what I paid for the cerakote. I am thinking around $300 but could be off quite a bit. I tend to spend money like a drunken pirate on shore leave after plundering some booty.

Somewhere in the tune of $1700(ish) clams
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I wouldnt recommend messing around with your sear unless you have some experience with modifying firearms safely. Specially not a trigger job that could essentially turn into an ugly mishap at the range. Get a gunsmith or the guys at hical to do it.

:confused:There are many mechanical things that I CAN do-but there are some that I trust only to people with expertise in the subject-trigger work being one- if a Timney-or other drop-in-was available for an sks -I would install it myself- filing/modifying the original-with the possible safety repercussions ? I'll pass thank you...
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Trigger Job = $99
Barrel Shortening + Crown and polish $99.99
Magwell install = $249.99
sks optic rail = $99.99
magazine adapter = $$199.99
3 X LAR 15 pistol mags were $32.99 each
the sks itself = $229.99
Vortex strikefire II = $279.99
STI Strikeforce Stock = $149.99

And I cant for the life of me remember what I paid for the cerakote. I am thinking around $300 but could be off quite a bit. I tend to spend money like a drunken pirate on shore leave after plundering some booty.

Somewhere in the tune of $1700(ish) clams

lol High being keyy
You can do your own trigger job at home with only a hammer, punch and some sandpaper (fine). I have done many for myself and friends.

I have done the same. Very fine sandpaper from starting from 400 to over 1200+ then polish. Removing a stuck pin can bend the "wings" so I made a block out of a big nut that was filed down to fit tight between the wings. Tested by cocking the SKSs and slamming the butt down on a covered concrete floor 10+ times to check.

I have done triggers on all of my Mosin now they are smooth as but..tar. Patience is the key.
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