Disconnector safety notification

Mr Wolverine, if we have replaced the stock trigger would you still suggest sending it back to you?

If you have replaced your trigger I assume you are not using the original disconnector? Please return that discounter along with the serial # of your firearm, for a free exchange. We want to get all the "faulty" disconnectors out of circulation.
I don't know how anyone, except for simple-minded people, could somehow confuse DD being open and transparent about an issue they found and trying to correct it as quickly as possible as "BS".

Firstly I was saying the fact that them saying it comes at "no cost to the consumer" specifically is bs.

Did you also notice that nowhere in their safety-notification was an apology from DD, or acknowledgment of fault. It's not like they should get a medal for "doing the right thing".

Look at it this way, I have so much respect for Wolverine Supplies; I've never had a bad dealing with them, even if there were hiccups along the way they acknowledge the fault or issue, apologize (sometimes even when it's not their fault), and then fix it.
I believe that whatever happened with the DD manufacturing facility was truly just an accidental oversight. When it comes to mass production these things do sometimes happen; even to top tier manufacturers.

Regarding you having nothing to hide, and it not being a cover up that should absolutely go without saying as it pertains to Wolverine Supplies. Your business, and you in particular, have done more for the Canadian firearms community than probably any other individual in this country. You of all people should never feel the need to defend yourself from foul play accusations. To say I hold you in the highest regard is an understatement.

Thank you for your kind words, greatly appreciated.
Maybe they should be like marstar and you can keep your rifle. So you expect your rifle to work perfectly at 2g, what about vehicles? Just BS eh, crazy how you know, something could accidentally happen that might affect your daily life. Life is just so tough.

So you're trying to glorify DD for doing the right thing. --> http://www.cbc.ca/news/opinion/canadian-consumer-backbone-1.4094486

Yes I absolutely do. Are you telling me that if you paid for a new car, only for them to tell you a year later that you now have to send this car back to them (for an unspecified amount of time, leaving you car-less) due to a manufacturing defect you wouldn't be in the slightest bit upset... right, stop kidding yourself.
Firstly I was saying the fact that them saying it comes at "no cost to the consumer" specifically is bs.

Did you also notice that nowhere in their safety-notification was an apology from DD, or acknowledgment of fault. It's not like they should get a medal for "doing the right thing".

Look at it this way, I have so much respect for Wolverine Supplies; I've never had a bad dealing with them, even if there were hiccups along the way they acknowledge the fault or issue, apologize (sometimes even when it's not their fault), and then fix it.

Holy crap! Talk about an entitlement attitude, dude! Do you suppose DD is happy about this? If a recall is not an acknowledgement of fault, I don't know what is!
ALL makes of EVERYTHING have issues from time to time. That is simply the world we live in. How the manufacturer deals with these issues is what sets one apart from the other. DD (and Wolverine of course) are top tier when it comes to resolving issues!
Look at it another way. If DD had not gone out on the limb to admit there was potentially an issue, and offered to look after it for you, would you have ever even known there was an issue?
Lets keep this thread on topic please, I do not want this to thread to turn into a pissing match.

The object here is for us Wolverine to assist our customers to resolve this issue as quickly and painlessly as possible. We understand it is an inconvenience for all concerned.
Lets keep this thread on topic please, I do not want this to thread to turn into a pissing match.

The object here is for us Wolverine to assist our customers to resolve this issue as quickly and painlessly as possible. We understand it is an inconvenience for all concerned.

You're absolutely right. Apologies.
Who pays shipping? My rifle began its transfer process about a week or 2 ago. I don't know if it's on it's way to me already or not.

EDIT: just tried phoning and it kept ringing with no answer or voicemail options.
Who pays shipping? My rifle began its transfer process about a week or 2 ago. I don't know if it's on it's way to me already or not.

We will supply a pre-paid return label, we only require the lower. If your gun has not left here we will hold it, replace the disconnector and then ship. The replacement disconectors are on route to us.
Sounds good! Is there anyway to call and confirm if it's left yet?

Donster125 I was able to get in touch with one of the guys at Wolverine yesterday and he checked my V7s right on the phone before it shipped out. BTW, I emailed this morning asking about shipping and Ryan gave me my tracking number, normally I get an automated email from Canada Post when items ship from Wolverine but there maybe something wrong with the system and Ryan is looking into it since I did not get the automated email.
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