My FB status update.

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It's in their religion to convert or kill the Infidels.
So you have 3 options
1 - convert to Islam
2 - be killed for not converting to Islam
3 - carry a bigger stick, and know how to use it
There is literally no excuse for the psychopaths that did this.

I choose option 4, don't let them in to begin with.
Also, the good guys with guns need to be properly trained professionals. Anything less is asking for more problems than it solves.

I disagree. The good guys with guns were 8 minutes away. The "good guys" need to be law abiding citizens like you and me who are ready, willing, and able to take action when called upon. If that's never, then we've led a good and fortunate life. But if that's in a cafe in London, then I'd rather engage my trusty firearm than chuck a bottle.

*Unpopular opinion warning*

And just how many would have never started to begin with had they been made to feel included, had they been hugged, had someone talked to them, had someone understood their inner turmoil, had foreign troops not invaded their home, had the wanton bombings never started, and so on and so forth?

I agree that when incidents like what happened in the UK occur, the best way to end them is with indeed good guys with guns. However killing a few bad guys doesn't solve the problem of why they exist in the first place. Wouldn't you agree it's better to solve the problem before "putting enough lead in them" becomes the only option?
*Unpopular opinion warning*

And just how many would have never started to begin with had they been made to feel included, had they been hugged, had someone talked to them, had someone understood their inner turmoil, had foreign troops not invaded their home, had the wanton bombings never started, and so on and so forth?

I agree that when incidents like what happened in the UK occur, the best way to end them is with indeed good guys with guns. However killing a few bad guys doesn't solve the problem of why they exist in the first place. Wouldn't you agree it's better to solve the problem before "putting enough lead in them" becomes the only option?

Policy change may indeed be a sound strategic solution but CCW may be the tactical solution needed in the meantime until the presumed results of policy change are realized. The fact remains, however, that if radicals maintain a convert or destroy mindset with regard to "infidels" no policy change will ever matter unless it includes mass global religious conversion (which is utterly ridiculous).

Islam has no place in Europe.

That's neither here nor there. It IS in Europe, and everywhere else in the world. And as a religion, it has every right to be there, and everywhere else in the world. And that is speaking as a staunch atheist. Attempting to clear out a religion would be futile. Religious justification aside, what these radicals are doing is creating random chaos... potentially anywhere. The immediate stopgap is citizens seemingly just as random being in a position to intervene to put a much quicker stop to these attacks.

I admire and respect the police as a citizen and as a former emergency services worker, but they simply can't be everywhere we need them to be, all the time. It really does come down to the cliche expression that when seconds count they're minute away. We can't reasonably expect better, so we need to recruit the citizenry to get involved as critical incident security.
That's neither here nor there. It IS in Europe, and everywhere else in the world. And as a religion, it has every right to be there, and everywhere else in the world. And that is speaking as a staunch atheist. Attempting to clear out a religion would be futile. Religious justification aside, what these radicals are doing is creating random chaos... potentially anywhere. The immediate stopgap is citizens seemingly just as random being in a position to intervene to put a much quicker stop to these attacks.

I admire and respect the police as a citizen and as a former emergency services worker, but they simply can't be everywhere we need them to be, all the time. It really does come down to the cliche expression that when seconds count they're minute away. We can't reasonably expect better, so we need to get recruit the citizenry.

lmfao pardon me? As a religion it has every right to be there? Uh no, it doesn't. Just because it is a religion does not mean it has a RIGHT to be anywhere. Europeans have resisted Islamic conquest for hundreds of years. As a collective Europeans have fought off wave after wave of invading forces. And now...? We are suppose to let this alien ideology into our lands and pretend everything is going to be alright?

Aside from the terrorism and rampant crime these folks bring there is also the issue of cultural takeover and demographics. Demography is destiny, especially in a democratic society. And when the demographics begin to shift in such a way that native Europeans are becoming a minority in their own towns and cities..well then I got a HUGE problem with that.
*Unpopular opinion warning*

And just how many would have never started to begin with had they been made to feel included, had they been hugged, had someone talked to them, had someone understood their inner turmoil, had foreign troops not invaded their home, had the wanton bombings never started, and so on and so forth?

I agree that when incidents like what happened in the UK occur, the best way to end them is with indeed good guys with guns. However killing a few bad guys doesn't solve the problem of why they exist in the first place. Wouldn't you agree it's better to solve the problem before "putting enough lead in them" becomes the only option?

I am sorry, but your post is absolutely sickening. The fact that you give justification to what they do shows what is wrong with the bleeding hearts in the west. You somehow manage to turn this around from a cowardly act that targets innocent people to " well maybe we deserved this" . It's reprehensible and morally bankrupt. Most of these terrorist are home grown. Meaning that they were welcomed into a new country with open arms. Allowed to practice there religion, live in peace without fear of bombings and given a 2nd chance on life. Their religion combined with influence of other extremists teaches them to hate the life that gave them a 2nd chance. Hate the freedom and free speech that they are now given. They don't attack government officials, or soldiers or police. They target innocent people, children, old sick, it doesn't matter. I doubt you would be saying this if it was your 8 year old girl that was killed in a blast. Or your fiancé that died in your arms after being run over by a truck.

Give you head a shake, if you want to hug terrorists to bad then buy a plane ticket and fly to Syria. Other than that keep your insensitive comments to yourself.......
*Unpopular opinion warning*

And just how many would have never started to begin with had they been made to feel included, had they been hugged, had someone talked to them, had someone understood their inner turmoil, had foreign troops not invaded their home, had the wanton bombings never started, and so on and so forth?

I agree that when incidents like what happened in the UK occur, the best way to end them is with indeed good guys with guns. However killing a few bad guys doesn't solve the problem of why they exist in the first place. Wouldn't you agree it's better to solve the problem before "putting enough lead in them" becomes the only option?

Are you okay? Hugged? Feel included? LOL

How do you explain the reasons for why these scum commit acts of terror in nations which open their arms wide open for them and provided with all the best benifits a welfare state can provide? Explain to me why then a man in Sweden by the name of Rakhmat Akilov a "refugee" from Uzbekistan ran down 5 people and injured a bunch more? Hmm? A state with the MOST amount of welfare and benefits one could ask for.

Oh right..maybe the poor baby needed some more hugs and kisses from the local blonde women.

Get a grip bud.
Obviously this is going to go off the rails so Im going to close it.

Was trying to make a point that once all else fails, enough lead doesn't.

Should we stop trying to prevent these acts from even starting? No.
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