Discontinue Your Law Enforcement Discount

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Not quite.
Going after any other businesses? Or are you just going to single out Wolverine? How about going after municipal police forces as well? Who's next? Come on, throw another overused plagiarized quote at us.
I think you're looking for a fight or to just troll. Either way, enjoy yourself, I can't waste any more time with you, ITG.

Befehl ist Befehl (German for "an order is an order") doesn't work. These so-call rank and file are still following order from above and carrying them out, aren't they? Then they are as guilty as the upper echelon.

It's my blood and organ, but you are right, I should probably keep this between myself and the nurse that screens me.
High River, the so called ' front line ' in action. The tree is poisoned, the fruit is poisoned. Why should we discount the wet stone they'll use to sharpen the blade to stab us in the back with ?
I think this is a nonsense rant. I said so in the other thread and IMO, your rant here even makes it more clear. Since you repeated my quote I will repeat another one of mine. I have a friend who is a civilian member of the RCMP. Should I kick him in the nuts the next time I see him? Well? By the way, please make sure you also pin a note to yourself saying that you only want the help of non RCMP officers in the event that you are in any kind of trouble requiring LEO assistance.

Don't get me wrong. I think that the RCMP firearms lab is making interpretations into laws but it is the current Office of Public Safety that is letting it happen. There is no oversight. How is that even remotely caused by the folks on the front lines? Also, equating it to genocide is a stretch, no?

Are they the ones carrying out Ralph Goodale's will? If so, then they are guilty. As for your friend, don't kick him in the nuts, take him to the shooting range and give him the time of his life and tell him HIS BOSS is trying to ban this. This is probably more painful than getting kicked in the balls.

By the way, as for your suggestion that I should pin a note to myself saying I only want non-RCMP, I will keep that in mind and try to stay out of trouble in RCMP jurisdictions.

Hmmmmmmmm...........................wonder how all this is gonna go.

Unless what I suspected is true and the provincial CFO will suspend the licence of any ranges or stores that refuse to give RCMP discount (which is pretty much abuse of power and should be national news), what's wrong? As one of the poster said, "discount!, didnt your boss just try to bankrupt me?" Why would I give discount to the RCMP when they are out to hurt 100% of my clientele?

Wolverine Supplies and other gun stores that offer LEO discount, are you being extorted?

I wonder if home depot will give a discount cause I work construction

There are business account discounts, assuming your construction company isn't out to arbitrarily declare certain home designs prohibited and tear the house down and charge the home owner.
It's not the individual officer that creates laws. Everyone has a boss.

This would be the same as refusing a service to a Military Veteran due to your personal views on the Military and any wars they may have participated in, despite the fact that the individual has a sworn obligation to carry out their assigned duties. Those officers put their lives on the line daily to keep your #### protected, just like any other officer of any other police force. Show some god damned respect.
I'd donate blood to a constable in need.
But that is just me.
Some awf yew folk I'd dew like wise t'uther than dem awn me eeeegnorr list.
Are they the ones carrying out Ralph Goodale's will? If so, then they are guilty. As for your friend, don't kick him in the nuts, take him to the shooting range and give him the time of his life and tell him HIS BOSS is trying to ban this. This is probably more painful than getting kicked in the balls.

By the way, as for your suggestion that I should pin a note to myself saying I only want non-RCMP, I will keep that in mind and try to stay out of trouble in RCMP jurisdictions.

Unless what I suspected is true and the provincial CFO will suspend the licence of any ranges or stores that refuse to give RCMP discount (which is pretty much abuse of power and should be national news), what's wrong? As one of the poster said, "discount!, didnt your boss just try to bankrupt me?" Why would I give discount to the RCMP when they are out to hurt 100% of my clientele?

Wolverine Supplies and other gun stores that offer LEO discount, are you being extorted?

There are business account discounts, assuming your construction company isn't out to arbitrarily declare certain home designs prohibited and tear the house down and charge the home owner.

My friend has more to teach me about shooting than I could ever show him. But how could you know that? After all, he works for the RCMP and therefore bears responsibility for the firearms lab actions. Even if he has shot thousands of rounds in competitions as a civilian member.

The paranoia is thick in the response. CFO suspending licences of ranges that don't give an RCMP discount. Wow.
It's not the individual officer that creates laws. Everyone has a boss.

This would be the same as refusing a service to a Military Veteran due to your personal views on the Military and any wars they may have participated in, despite the fact that the individual has a sworn obligation to carry out their assigned duties. Those officers put their lives on the line daily to keep your #### protected, just like any other officer of any other police force. Show some god damned respect.

Your sig line. Please sir, my good man.....make it stop! The iron knees are killin me.
It's not the individual officer that creates laws. Everyone has a boss.

This would be the same as refusing a service to a Military Veteran due to your personal views on the Military and any wars they may have participated in, despite the fact that the individual has a sworn obligation to carry out their assigned duties. Those officers put their lives on the line daily to keep your #### protected, just like any other officer of any other police force. Show some god damned respect.

I have no respect for any law enforcement officer or soldier who knowingly comply with an unlawful order, such as the High River Gun seizure. I will only have respect for officers or soldiers who stand up against their boss and say "No" or expose their organisation's corruption. This is why I have enormous respect for individuals such as Edward Snowden and Chelsea Manning.

My friend has more to teach me about shooting than I could ever show him. But how could you know that? After all, he works for the RCMP and therefore bears responsibility for the firearms lab actions. Even if he has shot thousands of rounds in competitions as a civilian member.

The paranoia is thick in the response. CFO suspending licences of ranges that don't give an RCMP discount. Wow.

Do you have a 10+rd 10/22 magazine or an 80% lower? Show this to your RCMP officer friend. If he arrests you, then he is as guilty as the upper echelon.
Why is Wolverine Supplies still offering Law Enforcement Discount to the RCMP?

Next time I go donate blood, I am going to ask Canada Blood Services if they can add a note to my bag of blood that states, "I do not want this to be given to a RCMP officer." I am also thinking about becoming an organ donor, I will probably add the same note, "I do not want any of my organ donated to any RCMP member or their families."

Dude... You have some serious issues. Don't like the stores policy? Don't shop there. I'm in the military, don't blame me for shyte the higher ups or Gov't makes us do, same goes for LEO...
Why hasn't any RCMP officers spoken out about these decisions? Why hasn't I read any thread on there that tells the story of a RCMP officer catching someone with a 10+RD 10/22 magazine and letting the guy go and telling the guy that he thinks the ruling is stupid? Why isn't there any RCMP officers in their uniform taking a selfie with a picture that read, "I will not disarm law abiding gun owners." Remember, the soldier that carry out an illegal order is just as guilty as the superior that gave the order.

For starters most officers show a lot of discretion. And bragging about discretion given is stupid, because like it or not we can still get in massive crap for ignoring or allowing laws to be broken. They are still laws, and even if it won't make you happy, me writing something like "go shoot your handguns in the bush or farmers field I don't care" or "if you take your 9mm pistol out, take your 9mm rifle so you can explain the empty cases", etc etc, can only serve to get everyone in crap. Me hypothetically telling someone to their face in my mind is far more meaningful than posting it on CGN for the sake of anonymous people who post things as crass as refusing a dying officer lifesaving medical treatments.
Don't take it the wrong way, but in what world should I go to bat to post on the internet for someone who'd never go to bat for me. As far as posting photos? Until someone successfully defends themselves in court, or takes the RCMP to court over it, calling it an "illegal" order is sadly(in every sense of the word) not true. Also I've never come across a 10/22 magazine since. What are the odds.

Most of us have our own line in the sand. I have my personal views on what should/shouldn't be enforced, I'll be damned if I'm going to put it in print for your sake. Let's just say I used to clean and work on many unregistered firearms for friends and folks in the village I policed. Funny none of them got charged for anything. I don't know the German words for "that's strange eh?", but *insert here*. ;)

I personally agree 500% that the RCMP needs to be reigned in on the highest levels, the RCMP shouldn't run the lab, or classify firearms, or anything like that. There has to be oversight. I won't be posting any selfies, but I will continue to abide by my personal beliefs, and do what I do. And blaming me for what the RCMP lab decides is silly. We're working schmoes. Sure there are bad apples. But there are in every job, every office, every worksite. I do what I can to educate people on our laws, how retarded they are, how pointless they are, how personally I'd rather run into someone in the bush with a 9mm than a benelli semi auto in 300 win mag (as my vest might stop the 9mm...) to enable gun purchases, to help people sell. I'm very vocal about all of that. A lot of us are. But we're out there saying it to people's faces instead of being on here preaching to the choir. Is it better for me to convince 10 non CGN/Internet forum people/VOTERS how stupid our gun laws are or sit here and perform the written equivalent of jerking off for you, because that's all the good it would do. I'm pretty sure everyone here knows C68 and our firearms act is a load of crap already.

You want to punish working stiffs for something carpet "cops"/politicians and anonymous lab rats who answer to nobody do in Ottawa.

Makes sense.

And if you think us making complaints to our superiors will change anything right now, keep in mind the following. We have no union or association, no representation of any kind. We're in professional limbo.

Also keep in mind this group of superiors you want us to move against is currently on Labour Code trial for the murder of 3 RCMP officers in Moncton, very publicly plead not guilty and have ignored numerous professional reports over the last 20 years stating how they are in the wrong and NEED to change their ways. But they're going to listen to Cst. Jon. working in a small village policing 2 of the poorest reserves in Saskatchewan.

I'll get right on that.

(PS I've bought 3 guns this year, another for my neighbour who had me hunt down a rifle for him, and brokered a sale of a handgun from a friend to a member on this site. I heard about a guy, definitely not me, another guy, or girl, I forget his or her name or where they work. The story is this mystery person, hasn't charged anybody even though they've had numerous unsecured firearms stolen out of houses by people who aren't licensed to own them to begin with. Because they are the victims.)

But when the time comes for the selfie, do you want me in day to day uniform or red serge? Dealers choice. Let me know. ;)
Wow! I come in to work, switch on my computer and have 4 pages of this misdirected crap!

Thank you Jon and some others for stating the obvious, it saves me a lot of time.

Wolverine Supplies will continue to offer a 5 % discount to LE and Military members, we see this as a courtesy gesture to the men and woman who often have to place themselves in dangerous situations and receive a lot of #### and abuse carrying out a thankless task in making Canada a safe country to raise our family’s in. Most of the time this is carried out without the support of our legal system and with limited resources due to restrictive budgets, also RCMP members do not have a union to support them. Remember also that the LE members who take advantage of our discount are also civilian gun owners, they support us, we need more of them.

Once again the RCMP CFC have put out a “Bulletin” I don’t believe this is law but they will no doubt adopt this as their policy, no different to the FRT and their magazine announcements.

For what it is worth I know that most if not all, RCMP Divisions have not received any notification about changes in the law relating to Ruger 10/22 magazines because there have been no changes to the law.

In my opinion, I believe these “Bulletins” originate with the RCMP SFSS, we all know this is headed by Mr Murray Smith, I understand that the SFSS is staffed with civilian employees’, they are not even legitimate RCMP officers.

We all, as firearm owners need to encourage our shooting organisations to attack the root cause of our problem, the fact that the Liberal Government is happy to have the RCMP SFSS announce their opinions as if they are law, rather than be distracted to fight among ourselves and blame serving RCMP Officers at the grass roots level.
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