Garrison Petawawa PR4 Match - 12-13 Aug 2017 - DeBrief here!

As always Barney a great clinic and an eye opening match. A great weekend overall, the people, the food, the weather, it was all perfect. Thanks to you, Morgan, his wife and the butts officers for running a fast smooth match.
I had a pleasant 7.5 hour drive home. I didn't have to dry out my gear which I am happy about. The new load I worked up for my rifle worked. It was good to see the turn out. Why more folks don't attend is beyond me.
I wore my vest most of the time as that is what I am used to having on for CQB and Service Rifle. It also wanted to give my knees and body a good overall test to see how well things would hold up. Things held up well (good surgeon and physiotherapists) so now I know I can get back into Service Rifle shoots as my knees gave out early last year.
Thanks to Chalkriver 2, the sentry and Tactical Teacher for a great weekend. Thanks too to the butts officers pressed into duty.
Results are up and I'm just so glad to be back in my own bed with my wife and my Netflix (at home I mean). ha ha ha

Well here's you chance to debrief and tell the world how you felt after that intense weekend and how much fun you had laughing at my jokes.... :cool:

"If you want to be great, be Grateful...." I always begin with this quote.

So much truth here and that's the starting point of my BRAND... I picked up a chicken wrap meal as I left Petawawa for the 6 hour journey back home. I had trouble sync'ing my bluetooth car stereo to my LG Device, and 2 reboots later, we got things sorted out by Barry's Bay, ON right on Highway 60. I was annoyed and progressively pissed off at the traffic and it seemed that every driver in front of me conspired to test my patience and they did a great job. I was in a negative funk for an hour. I skipped right over the F-U-C-K meditation and went straight to my "Depression Fighting" WMD: Gratitude.... I continued to list off (as I drove through Algonquin Park) all the people, things, situations, experiences, conversations, meals at Danny's/ Kelsey's, new faces, old friends, wonderful contacts, and list lasted all the way to Huntsville. I'm lucky to have all of you around me! Thanks... and that's how you combat depression.

Bruce Lee always preached to "Count the things you DO have. Ignore counting things you DON'T have, that's unproductive."

Once you realize how much or what you have in your life around you, depression disappears. I know first hand since I come from a family with said issues. :wave: Been there, done that... avoided the medication and instead chose positive meditation and gratitude!

That said, I have so much to be grateful for:

* thanks to Morgan Club Prez of Petawawa GC for approaching the Garrison Petawawa Base Commander and Chain of Command for making this happen
* thanks to Heather our sentry, because without a sentry, no range practice or competition would ever occur
* thanks for my butts officers who stepped up by volunteering or being voluntold to run the efficient and flawless target presentation (except for that one guy on T3, it was funny, I assure you
* thanks for our community of experienced shooters who willingly helped the new shooters to the game, your laughter and levity kept the "edge" away unlike some other events that really suck
* Thanks to my coaches who stayed on the line and helped new folks out with me, I'm tickled and warmed that we have a great crew, and it's getting better all the time.
* thanks to my patient french shooters who proved to be so tolerant after I butchered the French Language with my Franglaisie, you guys were a hoot laughing about my V-Bull jokes
* thanks go to Range Control who issued our passes as quickly as they could on a Saturday morning, Lord knows that can be time consuming.
* Thanks for my stats volunteers who gave me hand with score card input
* Thanks to the staff at Danny's Steak House; we reserved 20 seats but 23 showed up, it can be annoying but which business does not like piles of income/customers? :evil:
* Thanks to my sponsors at Wolverine Supplies for lending me the demonstrator Barrett M98B .308 so that CallumC will be ruined / spoiled forever after using a purpose built PR rig, "This ain't your grandad's deer gun..."
* More thanks to the newest french speaking competitors who took all my franglaisie instructions on how to adjust your scope after a sighter or two... I'm sure you are experts at dirt shots NOW
* I'm just super thrilled to see what a community we have built over the years in the Petawawa GC, all one has to do is listen to the conversations at the Danny's Dinner table. We done good! :wave:

I've got more to add as my thoughts ramble on and my typing fingers catch up to the mind....

So, what are you grateful for? What did you learn? From shooting partners? From other relays? From others' mistakes during the stress you paid me to inflict ON YOU... ha ha ha :evil:

Now , I just posted up the results in post number 2. Don't take them too seriously. Please don't go through life you are a great shooter now that you scored over 40 points and several Vbulls. I'm just getting YOU started. Now come and join me at for the NSCC National Service Conditions Championships because YOU just fired a course of fire from THEIR rule books.

You experts at shooting may be great at MY matches, that's great but get off yer butt and shoot NSCC as well as the Meaford Long Range Steel Challenge (Facebook search them). Step up your shooting game and don't just be complacent shooting my straightforward (I did not say easy...) matches. I'm here to get you started along your journey, that's what we teachers do... :wave:

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Thanks Barney for all everything. It's always great to see you again and the F-U-C-K meditation is really work in my everyday's life. My wife is really love how patience I am now.
As for the guy on T3, must be me or zack so care to share the story, Barney.

I also want to thank Morgan and his wife for all the hard work, I really appreciate that. If you drop by Quebec for some reason, dinner and wine are on me at my restaurant. I was an Asian guy who drive a white Bimmer.

Also Thanks you the butts officer for helping the newbie like us to run the target presentation, I messed up a few time and I'm really sorry for that.
Also Thanks you the butts officer for helping the newbie like us to run the target presentation, I messed up a few time and I'm really sorry for that.

No need to apologize! No one was shooting at us (just above us)...and its all about learning. Any hard times or ribbing that was dished out was all in good fun. My only disappointment was that you didn't dish it back at me! lol

Great meeting the new shooters and working alongside Matt to troubleshoot all the different positions we might encounter at Meaford. Still pretty pumped about shooting a 46.5 at 500m at a 5cm V-bull left-handed from the prone. Hopefully that will stick with me over the Labor Day weekend!

See you all in Meaford or at the next PR in October!
Thanks to everyone!!! It was our first PRS clinic and it will not be our last one, We loved it.

Thanks for all the good tips you guys gave us!!!

Now we know exaclty wath to practice ����

Lots of fun ��
This year, with the increased demand to host PR Matches at CFB Petawawa, I've set up a working programme that will allow new people to get into the game quickly AND compete in a formal match ALL in one weekend. :wave:

I haven't been able to make it up yet but thank you very much for organizing these...
Grateful as always to Barney, Morgan, Heather and everyone that attended. It was great to shoot with you all.

Grateful that I brought extra (different) ammo seeing how the new ammo I picked up on Friday was crap (4 FTF in first 20 rounds!)

Grateful that I recently found a Mossberg MVP Varmint, I'm really happy with the rifle, it shoots better than I can, and better than the rifles I brought to previous PR clinics, and I think will be a great platform to learn on.

Grateful for the Petawawa gun club through which I got my MVP from a fellow member.

Grateful for the weather, I was half hoping for rain to test my home made scope sunshade/ rain shield, but not that much and glad it didn't.

Grateful to have one more opportunity to do this in 2017, looking forward to the next one in October.


"that one guy on T3"
Huge thanks to Barney for all the effort and time he puts into making us all better shooters.
It was another fun filled weekend of shooting and it was nice to meet the first timers to Pet and see some familiar faces again .
Hope to see everyone back here in October .
Another great weekend in Pet, no Rain! Thanks to Morgan and Pet Gun Club for ranges, thanks to Barney for putting these matches on,our Sentry, no sentry we don't shoot! Thanks to all who made it out.
Always a learning experience and great meeting new shooters in the community.
Outstanding all round everytime.
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Hey all just wanted to say I really missed the shoot this weekend, I got hit with the plague or something, was not fun!
thanks to all the organizers for a great shoot. I always come back from Pet with a refreshed attitude. not just in shooting , but in my daily life. great to meet the old and new. the bonus is my shooting gets better, and got to meet some very interesting people. we are blessed.
Some pics I took during the day. Sorry not too many. Going to have to go to one clinic not to shoot. Just take pictures :) Well maybe shoot the saturday. Pics of the match

Ariel, sponsored by V-Bull :)


Chris testing his barricade



Tac Teacher looking over


Checking zeros


Setting up

Taking a break

Walking back

Tks to Barney, learning everytime we go there. Tks to everybody involve to create those events. Always a blast
Sorry I missed this one. I was stupid enough to take a weeks vacation and got bogged down at work. That seems to be a reoccurring theme in my life. Glad everyone had a good time!
i would like to take a minute to thank everyone for the great help that was given to us (new shooters) ,thanks to Barney even if tried several time to (mind #### us ha ha ha ) it was a excellent weekend and awnsome experiance to have a chance to shoot with all you experianced shooter , thanks to morgan and is wife without you guys it woulnt be possible to have this clinic. Cant wait for october to see yall again.

B.T.W Barney my MDT ESS chassis is ordered so that my Partner dosent have to throw some ammo in my chamber at the 200 quick snap lol . Thanks for the advice!!
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