Anyone tried the 123gr .312 Russian Pulled Bullets?


Just wondering if anyone else had tried using these? Would like to hear other peoples experiences!

I've recently started experimenting with these bullets for reloading 7.62x39 using D4198 powder. I'm getting great chrono numbers, but on paper they are shooting VERY high and accuracy is very poor. When compared against Hornady 123gr bullets using the same powder at the same velocity (2300fps), the Russian bullets are about 16" high at 100 yards. I didn't expect these to be as accurate as the Hornady bullets, but I'm pretty disappointed with my results so far.

I double checked the weight they are consistently 122-123gr. The bullet is a much longer boat tail design compared to the Hornady, I suspect this would be slightly more aerodynamic but that hardly accounts for the huge POI shift from other 123gr bullets.

Chrono Data - Russian 123gr FMJ-BT w/D4198

Avg Vel: 2301fps
Min Vel: 2296fps
Max Vel: 2311fps
Spread: 15
Std Dev: 6.6
Shots: 5
with that spread in velocity I would assume you'd be pretty accurate, unless they're just not gripping the bore. Tumbling? Other than POI, what kind of groups are we talking about?
with that spread in velocity I would assume you'd be pretty accurate, unless they're just not gripping the bore. Tumbling? Other than POI, what kind of groups are we talking about?

Exactly what I thought, that's match grade consistency! I measured a number of the bullets and they were all .312" so I know diameter isn't the issue. Groups are very inconsistent, at 50yd they were about 6-8". I seen no signs of tumbling at 100 on paper, but it's difficult to hit paper at that distance. I'm not able to consistently hit a 2/3 size IPSC steel target at 100yds. Also my barrel is a 1:10" twist, so the longer length projectile should be more than stable at that velocity.

Typically Hornady 123gr SP's shoot into a 2-3" group at 100yds from this gun. I've also shot 150gr projectiles with great results.
Are they steel core bullets? If they are I would expect them not shoot anywhere as good as the Hornady bullets.

They are steel core. Like I said I'm not expecting great accuracy I just wanted to be able to plink steel, right now I can't even do that. I also didn't think I would have to adjust for a 16" POI shift.
My suspicion is that the longer projectile is increasing the pressure inside the case leading to the the huge POI shift.
You *should* be able to get better results from a different powder like N120.
Using these projectiles I've been getting 1/2-1 MOA groups consistently using H4198 from my 308 @115yd.
Been trying to transition over to using D4198 but I'm getting more like 2-3 MOA so far.
I run them through a push through sizer to .3085"
In 300blk using a reddot I get approx. 2MOA groupings @ 115yd.
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I bought them to use in 54R

I tried some yesterday with the Harris load - 16gr 2400 and 17gr 4227 out of a 91/30 sniper that I have had decent results with for cast bullets loaded to similar levels

The 2400 load looked very promising. 4227 not so much.

I've no intention of trying any official load data. I didn't buy cheap bullets to stuff a case full of expensive 4895 behind.

Does the Lee sizer work on these? I'd never thought of reducing them to try in the 300 blackout. I assume some sort of case lube is required?
I pull my own bullets for 7.62x39 off cz527. 23.5gr IMR4198 loaded close to max OAL I get good accuracy with both pulled bullet and hornady vmax. POI is about the same.

My guess is make sure you are not compressing the load, as longer profile of the surplus projectile could cause that
My suspicion is that the longer projectile is increasing the pressure inside the case leading to the the huge POI shift.
You *should* be able to get better results from a different powder like N120.

I'm not sure that's the case either. I started with reduced loads and worked my way from 23.5gr to 26gr (2100fps to 2300fps). Right from the beginning it was shooting over top of my targets at 100yards. However SD's were very low (<10) through the entire load spectrum. My experience is typically when pressures get too low or too high, your SD's start to jump all over the place.

Whats very odd is that the rifle is zeroed perfectly with Federal and Winchester 123/124gr factory ammo, and also zeroed with my 123gr and 150gr Hornady handloads. It's only these Russian bullets that are shooting high, it's really odd! I suppose I could try another powder, but I was really hoping to use the D4198.
Regular 7.62 X 39 is a 310 bore, shooting 312 bullets will increase chamber pressure dramatically hence higher velocity and point of impact.
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