The closing of One Shot Tactical

It's sad to see a great retailer shutting it's doors but it sounds like you are doing it for the right reasons. Best of luck to you and thank you for the service you have provided for so many years.
wow i remember when you first started...but if it is what you wish then congratulations and best of luck on your new adventure.

I had nothing but EXCELLENT service from OST, we're definitly loosing a great business.

Good luck to you in your next project and keep us posted
Congrats on being a stand up shop in my books considering I've only ever been able to buy online from you. Some choices in life are hard and take much thought and consideration but you learn along the way and grow, so I hope whatever path this new career leads you on it lets you grow more with it.
Thanks for being a stand up shop/ site sponsors
Enjoy your future endeavours!
Best of Luck in the future endeavours. I remember touching base with you way back in the day at the start of our carbine program at work. Got some high quality kit from you over the years. Sad to see you guys go. Be safe. Onward.
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