Auction? OSTS one offs.


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
So we have a bunch of things like prototype Team Canada hats and other items we aren't sure what to do with.

Should we auction them? Or?
Its swell of you guys to suggest giving the auction proceed's to charity lol, could be a small chance that the owner might need to finish up some loose ends after blowing things out on sale already and prepare financially for his new adventure in life...
likely has a crap load of stuff going on in the background

need to finish up some loose ends after blowing things out on sale already and prepare financially for his new adventure in life...

It is truly up to Darren, but there was the offer of an auction. There is very little extra effort over an above to keep a tally of the auction and make a donation.
It is truly up to Darren, but there was the offer of an auction. There is very little extra effort over an above to keep a tally of the auction and make a donation.

Even less effort to simply put it in your pocket for a job well done. Charity is all fine and good, but I don't see why we need to add that as a condition of an auction. As far as I am concerned, once it's Darren's money he can spend it as he sees fit. He doesn't tell me how to spend my money, and I don't feel it's appropriate to tell him how to spend his!
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