How long to get approved to view the Equipment Exchange Section

Either wait it out or $25 gets you next day access with a CGN membership.

Where does it state that when buying a CGN membership that you get instant access/privilege to the EE? I must be misreading something...

From what I can tell, a lot of positive post contribution and getting along with other CGN members goes a long way these days as far as gaining access to the EE. :cool:

All I see is,

"Express EE Search: short-cut search for the newest items for sale and to buy in the Equipment Exchange forums of;"

"Equipment Exchange: Post up to 4 threads of WTS/WTB/WTT each per forum, instead of 2 threads;"

"Equipment Exchange: 5 days of BTT instead of 7 days;"
I paid the $25 and was pretty much instantly granted access to the EE.
Don't be cheap, If you figure the amount of information and deals you get on this site, and how much time you spend on this site $25 is a bargain!
However you (your wallet) might regret gaining access cause every day something gets posted for sale that you will want!:d
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