Cadex new equipments

Cadex Defence

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Due to your amazing support over the last few months we had no other choice but to inject another million dollar in new equipment. This Monday we took delivery of another five (5) HAAS CNC machines proudly made in the USA in order to speed up the production of our CDX Precision Rifles and Strike Chassis.

You can see here some HAAS technicians working hard on the installation of these new machines so that they could be operational within the next few days. We are aware that some of you have been waiting since a while to put your hands on these top end products and we thank you for your patience and great support allowing us to continue to grow.

Have a wonderful weekend from all Cadex Defence team.


Grâce à votre soutien incroyable au cours des derniers mois, nous n'avons eu d'autre choix que d'injecter un autre million de dollars en nouveaux équipements. Ce lundi, nous avons pris livraison de cinq (5) nouvelles machines CNC de marque HAAS, fièrement fabriquées aux États-Unis, afin d'accélérer la production de nos carabines de précision CDX et des châssis Strike.

Vous pouvez voir ici certains techniciens HAAS travaillant fort à l'installation de ces nouvelles machines afin qu'elles puissent être opérationnelles au cours des prochains jours. Nous savons que certains d'entre vous attendez depuis un certain temps de mettre la main sur ces produits haut de gamme et nous vous remercions de votre patience et de votre grand soutien qui nous permet de continuer à grandir.

Passez un merveilleux week-end de la part de toute équipe de Cadex Defence.



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This thread had so much potential, then the first reply through it off the rails. Likely because OP wasn't wearing a harness.

Anyways, looks great Cadex, keep pumping out great products!
I guess having after having a coworker shatter both legs and fracture his spine tends to change your perspective on the importance of safety I suppose apologies
Hydrain, I think if you remain in the bucket with the railing in place, you don't require any fall restraint. Is your province different? I could see that the guy on the ground could use a hard hat though.
Hydrain, I think if you remain in the bucket with the railing in place, you don't require any fall restraint. Is your province different? I could see that the guy on the ground could use a hard hat though.

Yes sir, from what my understanding from misc safety officers over the years was you need a harness before even stepping into a lift. Regardless yeah very nice new equipment, look forward to purchasing a tremor in the future
Yes sir, from what my understanding from misc safety officers over the years was you need a harness before even stepping into a lift. Regardless yeah very nice new equipment, look forward to purchasing a tremor in the future

In Alberta a harness is not required in a scissor lift. Perhaps it could be said that you could use some education on the matter rather than Cadex. However I will award you a A+ on thread derailment in one post, well done.
Those techs need to learn about PPE and fall arrest it seems

Way to use an awesome thread to express personal opinions that have nothing to do with the thread. Ever heard of thread etiquette?

Wicked setup Cadex... talk about an investment in Canadian manufacturing. Kudos to you guys and keep building great stuff.
Way to go CADEX. The little Canadian engine that could. You guys have great products and an unparalleled customer service. Congrats
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