Russian girl takes Ak47 apart and puts together in 27 sec

That is something all kids should learn at a young age with whatever firearm is common in their country. I guess Canada that would mean a squirt gun and then the Libs would demonize them for knowing how to put water in it.
27 seconds as opposed to:

-finding my glasses; 18 minutes
-removing mag; I can do that, 3 seconds
-remove dust cover; how the hell does this stupid thing come off; 22 minutes and first 12 f-bombs.
-spring hits me in the chest and falls on the floor. 13th f-bomb; 1 minute
-what's next? Crap, log on to CGN and youtube. Have a beer. 90 minutes
-where was I, oh yeah, remove bolt and spring. 14, 15 and 16th f-bomb.
-wife calls. Time for bed; gotta work in the morning.
-lock it all up and continue following day.

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