5 years later. Hs produkt VHS rifle???

So apparently rights to this rifle in Canada and USA belong to Springfield Armoury, who import the HS Produkt Pistols under their brand name XD. Not sure it's really worth our time and effort to re-design this for our market if it has to be done through another company who would most likely want a cut to bring these to our market -if they'd even want to do so in the first place. Not sure why they haven't moved on making this available in USA if they have the rights to it. Anyways, reviews don't appear to be that stellar anyways, so we decided not to pursue further.

I would say that reviews are actually quite stellar considering the Croatian military ran 50000 rounds through a VHS 2 and didn't have any parts breakage. Man I really hope these will hit the market one way or another. We are in desperate need of different modern rifle options currently and the VHS seems to be one the best out there.
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