Agree Target Sports a joke

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Was in browsing the gun cabinets one Sunday when a member was buying ammunition. No big deal right but when handing over his Pal handed over some other card and proceeded to joke how hung over he was, and he shouldn't be shooting. I guess in this place as long as you spend you stay welcome.

Did he have a beer or a crock of white lightning in his hand?
Maybe that's why he was fumbling his wallet trying to find his pal?
The 2nd and 4th post were equally as useless as the alleged 1st post, guess this is where the rock star story tellers hang out.
Someone had to say it.

Maybe you need to learn how to read and analyze what you read...

The OP that started this thread was his second post since he joined CGN. I wasnt calling post #2 useless.
Was in browsing the gun cabinets one Sunday when a member was buying ammunition. No big deal right but when handing over his Pal handed over some other card and proceeded to joke how hung over he was, and he shouldn't be shooting. I guess in this place as long as you spend you stay welcome.

you feelin ok bubu
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