Privi 6.5 grendel ammo and brass?


CGN Ultra frequent flyer

I am trying to piece together an AR in 6.5 Grendel and while ammo and brass are around it is quite expensive. Would you be able to look into bringing in Privi 6.5G ammo and brass? Apparently the Serbs just adopted a rifle in 6.5G so chances are I imagine Privi will be tooled up to produce quite a bit of 6.5G. You guys seem to have a very good selection on Privi ammo and components so I figured I would ask.


I am trying to piece together an AR in 6.5 Grendel and while ammo and brass are around it is quite expensive. Would you be able to look into bringing in Privi 6.5G ammo and brass? Apparently the Serbs just adopted a rifle in 6.5G so chances are I imagine Privi will be tooled up to produce quite a bit of 6.5G. You guys seem to have a very good selection on Privi ammo and components so I figured I would ask.


I am interested as well.
Im Goona bum this, since with both the MDI SLR and the ATRS MS being non-restricted there will be an increased interest in this caliber.

So, Any chance of bringing in at least brass?
Im Goona bum this, since with both the MDI SLR and the ATRS MS being non-restricted there will be an increased interest in this caliber.

So, Any chance of bringing in at least brass?

Also offered in 6.5 Grendel are the Ruger American, CZ527, and Howa MiniAction. This isn't a niche calibre anymore. I have the Ruger American and am impatiently waiting for the WK-180 with a x39 bolt so I can rebarrel one to 6.5 grendel and stash the x39 barrel.
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