What is going on with Ellwood Epps?

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Bought multiple guns there. Guns have been fine, but their store is ####ty, and they have too few people working that choke point of a desk. They really need to hit the reset button and open a new building with a more open space.

That said, at least they finally caved on the overwhelming pressure to finally add pics to their website, which for years was the biggest pain in the ass, and they dragged their feet on every excuse not to, but as least they’ve (finally) listened to their customers.
Nobody is coming to their defence from the establishment. Makes you wonder.
I was thinking to make my next purchase there as I’m looking to get another gun, but stuff like this gives me second thoughts to shop there
Ive bought 3 guns from Epps, and I still do consider buying from them if they have what I want. I almost bought 4 guns from them, but I walked out with nothing because I was getting frustrated with the service, and bought some place else to buy the gun. So, with that being said, I am happy with them 75% of the time. Sometimes they have really good prices or hard to find, new gun models, which is why I still go their...but I usually go to a different gun shop to check out the exact gun I want to buy, so when I go to epps, I just need to inspect the gun and buy it..walk in and out of the store in 20 minutes because I dont ask them any questions because I have researched it already. The reason I dont ask questions is because the customer service is sometimes lousy and sometimes I feel like a employee is annoyed by questions because he must figure that he is doing me a favor by explaining details.
had a issue with purchase of Rem Police contacted Wes (owner) issue was handle promptly 100% satisfied ,would deal again
After receiving a pm here with who I should speak directly to, I called Wes and explained my situation he apologized and said it was their mistake. He has paid to ship it back to them to get it polished and blued as soon as possible and will ship it back to me at no charge.
Thanks again guys for the help.
And thanks to Wes at Ellwood Epps for taking the time to make this right.
I've ordered from their online catalog twice, they shipped promptly and the firearms were perfect. Never had to deal with their customer service, but I'm still a satisfied customer.

I am with you word for word. No complaints for thirty some years.
There is no way LeBaron can be compared to Epps. I've bought tons of stuff off them. Any problem I've had has been dealt with. I had a sales guy at LeBaron Mississauga tell me I probably couldn't afford a $2000 gun,that I asked to see. WTF . Never been treated like that anywhere.
Why did this issue have to make the forum before you were able to establish contact and eventually told it will be resolved ..?

Also, in view of this "mistake" waiting more than a week or two at the most would be very inappropriate.
There is no way LeBaron can be compared to Epps. I've bought tons of stuff off them. Any problem I've had has been dealt with. I had a sales guy at LeBaron Mississauga tell me I probably couldn't afford a $2000 gun,that I asked to see. WTF . Never been treated like that anywhere.

I hate that feeling. I've gone from a super high feeling knowing I have over $2000 cash in my pocket (marital money laundering) and that I'm going to spend it today, to a "##### you! I'll spend this elsewhere" attitude.
I was in here once during a vacation looking for parts: stood in the line up at the gun counter for close on 35 minutes with a bunch of others waiting to be served (was there to buy a rifle and some parts I had confirmed on-line as being in stock) all the while watching the guys behind the counter walk around totally ignoring all of us while fielding phone call after phone call after phone call. I chatted up the guy in front of me who advised me this is the normal level of service after learning it was my first time there. I left the line, replaced all the items in my basket (~$300 worth) back on the appropriate shelves upstairs and left.

It's great to have lots of phone traffic but you need to manage resources to look after your walk-ins too.
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