So.... M10X CanAm pricing figured out yet?

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After CA worked out the NR status, mm saw the interest here and wanted more $$ so they ditched CA and went with a higher bidder. Mm pulled this in a pretty nasty way.
In fairness, all the reliable info was nuked on day 1 and newcomers to the discussions are left with only speculation.

I would submit you could clear up any confusion with a single informative post.
We nuked no "reliable info". I have posted all the info I have in my first post since the FRT was issued.
Geez. Some gun owners are worse than the Apple or Cabbage Patch crowd. "New and shinny, gimme, gimme, gimme!"

Be cool. It will be what it'll be.
Well, looks like we were just a fart in the wind.

Anyone want a made in Canada/China version ;)
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