M10X statement - Wanstalls

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Expried Business Member
Maple Ridge BC
After speaking to Mike Meir (the President of M+M) at SHOT for several years,the answer was always "nothing yet" when asked of the rifle's status. In 2017 M+M told us that a bunch of years back a company called Disco "something" had submitted a sample for FRT and had not been heard from since. We were then led to believe that Canada Ammo had at one time expressed interest in the gun but had since washed their hands of it. We were asked to assist M+M in several ways to help get their gun a non restricted FRT. In return for our assistance we were promised distributor level pricing. We fulfilled our end of the deal...

At the time of the pre-sale, Mike stated there would be no distribution channels, but rather distribution level pricing to be offered to individual Canadian dealers. No exclusivity would be offered and that Canada Ammo, Wanstalls, and for that matter, any Canadian gun store could bring the gun to the Canadian market at the lowest possible price.

Currently we know nothing other than what M+M posts on their Facebook page. In light of this, we will be getting in touch those who have deposits on the pre-order to discuss their options.

This has been an extremely frustrating experience for us as we are accustomed to conducting business in a straight forward and ethical way. You, our customers have our most sincere apologies for our poor choice in partnership with M+M.


The Wanstalls team

(we will leave this thread open for posting for a short while)
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M+M can kiss goodbye their hope of making money from this market. Don't f#$k with Canadian gun owners and reputable shops like Wanstalls and CanAm.

Got my first pistol from you guys years ago and the service was excellent. Happy to have you guys as a local option.
The disco something is CA. Now that mm has used and ditched you the same way they used and ditched CA. I have done business multiple times with you and CA and I know that this &$)) show started from m+m with north sylva in the back stage. Mm and ns have no ethic, trust in their books and I am glad Wanstalls is out of this &$): for good.

We now know that mm stands for mike /&$;)/!!: mouse. A low rat that has ended his chance before a single gun delivered. Let them fail their game competing with aks in the us.
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sounds like another dealer just got bent over.

with sympathy to those who pre ordered,but i hope you dont get the rifle and M+M deals straight with NS
and not one person buys one,then M+M/NS get shafted
After speaking to Mike Meir (the President of M+M) at SHOT for several years,the answer was always "nothing yet" when asked of the rifle's status. In 2017 M+M told us that a bunch of years back a company called Disco "something" had submitted a sample for FRT and had not been heard from since. We were then led to believe that Canada Ammo had at one time expressed interest in the gun but had since washed their hands of it. We were asked to assist M+M in several ways to help get their gun a non restricted FRT. In return for our assistance we were promised distributor level pricing. We fulfilled our end of the deal...

At the time of the pre-sale, Mike stated there would be no distribution channels, but rather distribution level pricing to be offered to individual Canadian dealers. No exclusivity would be offered and that Canada Ammo, Wanstalls, and for that matter, any Canadian gun store could bring the gun to the Canadian market at the lowest possible price.

Currently we know nothing other than what M+M posts on their Facebook page. In light of this, we will be getting in touch those who have deposits on the pre-order to discuss their options.

This has been an extremely frustrating experience for us as we are accustomed to conducting business in a straight forward and ethical way. You, our customers have our most sincere apologies for our poor choice in partnership with M+M.


The Wanstalls team

I applaud you for owning your mistakes, and despite the fact that this would have been more useful should it have come out sooner – hindsight is always 20/20. I've never seen such a fvcking spectacle of schit as Mickey+Mouse and this product launch, and will promote their boycott at every chance I get.

This will likely get way out of hand, real fast. I for one applaud Wanstalls for not putting up with the M+M crap any more than they had to in an attempt to make things right. Wanstalls just won a new customer, M+M won't get a penny from me, and I would wager that there are a bunch of other nutters that will not pay the NR gouge on this one either.
At the time of the pre-sale, Mike stated there would be no distribution channels, but rather distribution level pricing to be offered to individual Canadian dealers. No exclusivity would be offered and that Canada Ammo, Wanstalls, and for that matter, any Canadian gun store could bring the gun to the Canadian market at the lowest possible price.

So does that mean that M+M provided the very pricing that they themselves called "unauthorized"?
Yup. Definitely will be demanding a refund.

What a disappointment overall.

I dont know whats true anymore.

Guess I'll be buying something else, elsewhere.
So Mickey Mouse basically LIED publically on multiple occasions to cover up their greed-driven business approach, while throwing two of our reputable dealers under the bus. Great.

What a gong show and miserable a company this M+M is.
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