Modern Varmint style uppers and lowers

Im not disagreeing, but I feel its important for people to understand that what you said is not law, but rather an unwritten rule that legally should not be enforceable. Yet if you challange it, the process is the punishment. And for what, taking your NR rifle into the woods and shooting it before the CFP get off their hands and file it under the correct category (a process that at most should take a couple minutes and a couple dozen key strokes to properly file the change)?

Agreed but I don't think many people understand the 30 day rule which is what I was trying to get across.
If your rifle is registered restricted it doesn't matter if it fits in all the categories that make it non restricted, when an officer enters your model and serial number and it pops up restricted you're going to jail. If it were true that it only legally matters what category it actually fits in we would be able to throw an 18.6" barrel on a $600 AR and go out in the bush. It would fit all the NR holes as you say yet it's still restricted because they said so and no other reason.
Realistically it should be as simple as a lawyer well versed in firearms laws going in front of a judge and in 15 minutes explaining the situation to have the AR and many others removed from the restricted or prohib by name lists. Unfortunately our legal system is a disaster and our government is full of fools, it would take years of court appearances to get that done.

Anyway, let's get this back on track.
Do you have a projected date you will be ready to submit a sample to the lab? I'm hoping that as you said earlier it's a simple matter of a child entry as a variant of the MV and won't take them a couple years to get it through.

I think that the only negative that will come from this is the value of restricted AR receivers will knock a hole in the floor as their demand spirals downward. Great for guys who shoot at the range and want to build but bad for guys swapping over parts from their AR and end up with a receiver set left over.
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Agreed but I don't think many people understand the 30 day rule which is what I was trying to get across.
If your rifle is registered restricted it doesn't matter if it fits in all the categories that make it non restricted, when an officer enters your model and serial number and it pops up restricted you're going to jail. If it were true that it only legally matters what category it actually fits in we would be able to throw an 18.6" barrel on a $600 AR and go out in the bush. It would fit all the NR holes as you say yet it's still restricted because they said so and no other reason.
Realistically it should be as simple as a lawyer well versed in firearms laws going in front of a judge and in 15 minutes explaining the situation to have the AR and many others removed from the restricted or prohib by name lists. Unfortunately our legal system is a disaster and our government is full of fools, it would take years of court appearances to get that done.

Anyway, let's get this back on track.
Do you have a projected date you will be ready to submit a sample to the lab? I'm hoping that as you said earlier it's a simple matter of a child entry as a variant of the MV and won't take them a couple years to get it through.

I think that the only negative that will come from this is the value of restricted AR receivers will knock a hole in the floor as their demand spirals downward. Great for guys who shoot at the range and want to build but bad for guys swapping over parts from their AR and end up with a receiver set left over.

No firm date, we want to make SURE that it works up to our standard and that we have all the bases covered so to speak.
I too am hoping it will be s short inspection time, but we are totally at the mercy of the SFSS/RCMP

Whether or not our guns make any dent in the AR market is hard to say. Many guys could care less as they are only shooting at ranges anyway. Only time will tell.
Whether or not our guns make any dent in the AR market is hard to say. Many guys could care less as they are only shooting at ranges anyway. Only time will tell.

Fairly certain it will. I mean I can't be the only one that mostly shoots at a range, but would still rather not deal with the complications that come with owning restricted firearms. Don't get me wrong - I have a bunch of them. But I would rather go NR if possible. I took my Tavor down south this summer, and before crossing into the US, dropped it off at a buddies place. No paperwork, no hassle, no problems. Just met up and picked it up when I came back (and did a range trip with my buddy). And when you have as much crown land on your doorstep as I do, having the option to toss it in the jeep and head out for a drive, is a very nice benefit. And this is coming from someone who doesn't hunt and has no intentions of doing so in the near future.

I'll still have an AR or two just due to the ability to have shorter barrels on them... but between you and MD, I'll have at least 2 of the NR versions as well.
Regardless, symbolism is there and it's meaningful. I'm glad you're working on this, NR status. I'm sure PTB would love to keep uz on a range, with no land access or hunting. It's coming in time, its in agenda 2030 and is supported by the Liberal government, they've said so. This helps give us hope and fight back, because it gives us the option to, within our existing laws!

Modern sporting rifles, on crown land, on private land and good hunting options!


Whether or not our guns make any dent in the AR market is hard to say. Many guys could care less as they are only shooting at ranges anyway. Only time will tell.
I have put an AR on the back burner due to restricted status, I want a bush gun. Receiver set would 100 convince me to jump on it next
If the new lowers get the desired status, will you also be doing a MH version as well?

I’m holding out on the other options, in the event you release something.
hello-where would that leave guys who spent 5k or more on MV when someone can buy a lower and upper from you for a grand and set it all up for 3k?
hello-where would that leave guys who spent 5k or more on MV when someone can buy a lower and upper from you for a grand and set it all up for 3k?

You are comparing totally different things. There is no way that you can put together identically spec'ed rifles with $2k price difference. There are far more options in our MV than there are in the Sporter has.
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