Carrying firearm in a backpack

I really have not heard of this case or ruling.. and frankly dont believe it at all, as most of this town would be in Almost every truck has a rifle in it, and yes not many with trigger locks (OMG!).. Could this be some exaggerated news story?? Or at the least
more to the story that is being missed...

R v Felawka. The reason why most of the town isnt in jail because violating the ruling of felawka is virtually undetectable, and I doubt one officer in 10,000 is aware of it, and wouldnt lay a charge on account of it if they did, unless you were being douchy about it.

Frankly its a terrible ruling, and would probably be set aside if a similar case went befire the court today.
As pointed out there are Federal firearms laws and then there are game/hunting regs and then there are bylaws.

Each are different, vary in penalty and severity with federal firearms law being felony criminal sentences when convicted.

You didn't mention the issue of the condition of carry...loaded or not??
Speaks to its state of readiness and intent.
This area will get weird depending on the Cop/CO and locale/activity/season etc.

Carrying a non restricted firearm during daylight hrs in anything is etc. No issue there with federal firearms law.
You may get into the technicality of "hunting" regardless if it is cased/packed etc as well as whether loaded/unloaded if/when confronted by a conservation officer if they discover the firearm for whatever reason. This will vary wildly based on the CO, the time of year/locale/activity etc.

The locale and activity will play a far greater issue.
Doing so in the true wilderness vs closer to cities and urban areas for example. Obviously in urban areas or provincial parks etc it will get very weird fast.
Activity will also mitigate....Doing so while working vs recreating.....acting like an ass or malicious behaviour and outright criminal activity....vs respectful, safe, non malicious activity.

Your activity alone will likely determine if the weapon is even detected or discovered at all. There is no reason to be questioned much less searched if your activity is isn't fact there is no legal grounds to do either if you are not.

You did not specify the purpose(s) of having the shotgun?
Hunting/plinking/defense/transport/storage ??? empty non restricted shotgun can be "cased" and carried in anything...pack/duffle/case/ you carry that case is irrelevant.
Your intent/actions "AT THE TIME" will be the determining factor(s) if/when you encounter the law.

There,fixed it for you.;)
R v Felawka. The reason why most of the town isnt in jail because violating the ruling of felawka is virtually undetectable, and I doubt one officer in 10,000 is aware of it, and wouldnt lay a charge on account of it if they did, unless you were being douchy about it.

Frankly its a terrible ruling, and would probably be set aside if a similar case went befire the court today.

Unbelievable.. I have been asking around and no one has heard anything about this. Even at Corlanes Gunshop in Dawson.. I will try and find it on the Internet thing when in town.. Thanks for the info
Would it be against the law if you were to carry a short shotgun in a backpack on Crown Land or private property?


Depends on a lot of factors all relating to your ability to prove you have a valid legal reason to do so and you have the land (crown/private) owners permission to bring a firearm onto the land.
The real reason that most people have not heard of R vs Felkawa is because it involves an idiot who half wrapped a rifle in his jacket and got on a bus in the city, then made jokes about going on a shooting spree, and when questioned about it responded that he was trying to conceal the firearm. And people that want to carry a shotgun in a backpack or duffel bag for ease of transportation or to protect the gun don't do all of the above, and probably will never have to explain anything to anyone because the police don't really care if you are hiking around and transporting your shotgun in your backpack!

Yet on CGN the case is brought up whenever someone brings up the topic of putting a gun in a some sort of vessel that's not clearly a purpose built gun case.
What about backpacking with a kel-tec sub 2000? or a 9mm folding carabine? i know i would probably be better off asking DNR but just thought i would throw that out there.
The real reason that most people have not heard of R vs Felkawa is because it involves an idiot who half wrapped a rifle in his jacket and got on a bus in the city, then made jokes about going on a shooting spree, and when questioned about it responded that he was trying to conceal the firearm. And people that want to carry a shotgun in a backpack or duffel bag for ease of transportation or to protect the gun don't do all of the above, and probably will never have to explain anything to anyone because the police don't really care if you are hiking around and transporting your shotgun in your backpack!

Yet on CGN the case is brought up whenever someone brings up the topic of putting a gun in a some sort of vessel that's not clearly a purpose built gun case.

According to some, there’s always a chance of getting charged with something but the chances of that are slim to none if one goes about things in a law abiding manner and doesn’t do something to draw attention to themselves.

I’ll be damn’ed if I’ll hide in a closet or constantly check over my shoulder when out and about because there’s a technicality that “might” bite me…
I wouldn't worry about it in FSJ, there has been some pretty high profile bear attacks in the area. No rcmp are gonna bother you. Out east? Probably should be a bit more mindful. A lot less freedom out there.
I wouldn't worry about it in FSJ, there has been some pretty high profile bear attacks in the area. No rcmp are gonna bother you. Out east? Probably should be a bit more mindful. A lot less freedom out there.

Your fine. Your also just prey if you arent carrying a Rifle/shotgun around FSJ/Fort Nelson.. No one will bother you, even in town.
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