KRG Price List

For those interested in KRG products we are just waiting for the export licence for the first order to ship. Once that is complete I will be taking orders to send in and opening up the website for that. Stay tuned!
I have updated everyone on our order list that the licence is approved and our products are shipping this week. Many items have already been spoken for however I will have a few Chassis and parts available for purchase. Please watch for these items to be added to our website. If you're interested in a KRG chassis please PM or email is at

The second pre-order will open up this week!
Here are a list of available chassis. Many of the chassis ended up spoken for after the order went in. These are being shipped to me this week.

I'll add the parts when they arrive however the following chassis are available on this order.... first come first serve... priority will be given to any remaining parts to people who order the chassis. PM or email if interested

See here

Prices are plus tax and shipping
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