Where do you find a box to ship a long-rifle in?

It's very easy to create a cardboard box.
Just start with large enough pieces & reinforce everything with quality packing tape.
I wouldn't go through the trouble of buying a box.
Like anything else in life...keep it simple!
Go to the hardware store and buy a length of Sonotube. ;)

Separate the barrel from the stock. Save on length. Long, skinny packages are prone to damage.

I also build my own cardboard boxes in a triangular configuration for stability.
Go to an appliance store, get a broken down refrigerator box and build yourself one. It's easily done and ordinary yellow carpenter's glue is perfect for the job.

Do you really use carpenters glue to hold the box together.....please tell me you wrap the entire box in packing tape before you ship it also?
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