**TYPE 81 7.62x39 Service Rifle** ~IN STOCK -NOW AVAILABLE!!!

Great news! After a few hours of playing around with the rifle and trying a few different ideas.. it looks like a short stroke safety lever concept might just work!

Great news! After a few hours of playing around with the rifle and trying a few different ideas.. it looks like a short stroke safety lever concept might just work!


Looks good but how the heck, just mating it to the opposite end of the selector with small modification inside? Sold my t81 a while back but are they not a full 180 sweep from fire /safe?
Looks good but how the heck, just mating it to the opposite end of the selector with small modification inside? Sold my t81 a while back but are they not a full 180 sweep from fire /safe?
Their is also a mod of filing the selector inside to get a 90 degree flip aswell which I wish was factory cuz it’s much better than the full 180.
Both my fixed and folder have the bend. Both shoot just fine. 3-4 inch groups with open sights at 100 yards.

yup, the bend doesn't do anything, at least with iron,s maybe people rigging up scopes may have some issues, but in terms of reliability they work perfectly, mine was from the first batch that came in in 2017 and works great and shoots the same as everyone else
Looks good but how the heck, just mating it to the opposite end of the selector with small modification inside? Sold my t81 a while back but are they not a full 180 sweep from fire /safe?

get this on the "Type-81 pictures, range reports, and modifications thread" in the red rifle section of the forum! this is epic!
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