Timmy Hoes or Mickey D's?

Which do you prefer?

  • Tim Hortons Coffee

    Votes: 261 16.8%
  • McDonalds Coffee

    Votes: 726 46.7%
  • Don't touch the stuff

    Votes: 190 12.2%
  • Starbucks ( Wizard-Hipster-Jazz-Hands )

    Votes: 112 7.2%
  • I Make it at home. ( Folgers Ect.. )

    Votes: 264 17.0%

  • Total voters
McDonald's is miles ahead of Tim Hortons in terms of their coffee.

I voted for home, but if I go out it is either an independent coffee bar (1-2 times a month) or McDonald's (when someone offers to buy me coffee, or I am buying for the group 1-2 times a month).

I had to give up Timmie's because it was making me very sick with cramps, gas and other issues. I thought I had Lactose problems and then ended up finding it out it was the Timmie's 3-4 times a week. Nice though: saving myself about $600-750 a year not going to Timmie's (just skipping a coffee mid day at all, not spending on a substitution) and plan to spend some of that at Wolverine Supplies very soon!!!
Tim Hortons tastes like it was bladder filtered. McDonald's all the way for me. McDonald's is rumoured to be launching stand alone McCafe coffee shops to go head to head with Hortons. If that comes to fruition , I dare say Horton's will suffer greatly where ever they share the same market.

Lol where are they going to put them? There's already a Mcdonald's on every friggin corner.
Have always supported Tim's but I am not happy with the way the big corporation that took them over is behaving. Prices are rising the quality of product is deteriorating. I remember the old apple fritters made fresh . Now everything is shipped to the store frozen . For the price of a coffee at Tim's I can get a coffee and muffin at McD's and McD's has free newspapers to read.
It's hard to imagine Tim would "change the recipe", it's more likely that the Canadian palate has evolved in the last 20 years and a #### cup of coffee just doesn't please us anymore like it used to.
That's why you need one of these..


As a former addict to Timmies coffee, I much prefer Mc'D's. Converted 6/7 years ago and haven't looked back. Better coffee and you get a free refill.
FYI, apparently McD's underbid the supplier to Tim's a number of years ago.....
McD by a long shot, I can't stand Timmies unless I have to. What makes it worse is I get Timmies for free at work.
McD just taste significantly better straight up black, unless you are looking for a colon cleanse then Timmies works well.
TH has some kinda racket going on, as I don't know how they keep their lineups full, when the MCD is a superior product, IMHO.

MCD has better marketing, including free coffee about 4 times a year, the little stickers for a free coffee, etc. I got a free 1oz coffee from TH, once. Less lineups usually, at MCD. I think the MCD from the original days and any negative connotations from then, is really the only thing holding MCD from handing TH theirs a$$es on a platter. They have stepped up their game, quite impressively, over the last few years.

I can't pronounce anything at SB, and they look at you real wierd-like when you say all you want is whatever is the closest thing to a large, black coffee. No use for them.

Various brands at home and in the bush, but coffee is always around.
Tims is an unthinkable substitution for coffee. Not for free or to pull me out of the dt’s. If it’s desperately early and homebrew isn’t an option, mcd’s will work. Even 7/11 has coffee, I cannot wrap my head around what T.H. is trying to foist off as coffee. But to each their own... unless it’s Tims, then you’re just wrong.
For chains Blends, JJBean and Waves are pretty good out here on the hipster west coast. In the east I like Second cup. Drive through, McD's over tim's any day. I can't even believe this is the situation these days. Anyone remember the old McD's styrofoam cups in the 80's and 90's of "coffee" that tasted like liquid pork and beans? Tim's shure has screwed up a good thing over the last few years.
has mcdonalds in the US changed its coffee yet? i was rather dissapointed on a vegas trip a few years ago to find they still use the old gross blend
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