Timmy Hoes or Mickey D's?

Which do you prefer?

  • Tim Hortons Coffee

    Votes: 261 16.8%
  • McDonalds Coffee

    Votes: 726 46.7%
  • Don't touch the stuff

    Votes: 190 12.2%
  • Starbucks ( Wizard-Hipster-Jazz-Hands )

    Votes: 112 7.2%
  • I Make it at home. ( Folgers Ect.. )

    Votes: 264 17.0%

  • Total voters
Tim Hortons coffee is week tasting crap and they charge too much for it. McDonald’s is better tasteing and cheaper. My go to for regular coffee is Starbucks, none of the fancy drinks. About as fancy as I get is a americano
Starbucks (aside from needing to mortgage the ammo stash to afford it) is somehow too acidic for me. If I'm out I'd do MD then Tims. At home I still use the old fashioned Bialetti pressure coffee pot.
I can't pronounce anything at SB, and they look at you real wierd-like when you say all you want is whatever is the closest thing to a large, black coffee. No use for them.

yea, I love saying just give me the big one (and make it Nabob if you've got). That gets looks from everyone in the place
I would have said Mickey D's in the past but I haven't set foot in that place since I saw The Founder. Fricking lying thief :) . Don't much care for Restaurant Brands International, nor Timmy's coffee for that matter, so I'm stuck making my own. When I do buy I try to go to Country Style or Coffee Time or some indy.
Commercial coffee : McDonald's all the way ! I havent been in a TH for years.

At home: Black Rifle Coffee and Arrowhead Coffee
Hands down Mc D's has better coffee. However I would like to add it depends on the location, some are better than others. Same goes for Timmies, some burn the daylights out of their coffee it seems and some don't.
I drink Lavazza Red at home in a french press. Espresso ground coffee only takes half as many grounds. A) buying coffee out is wasted money imho, B) i can't even function to leave the house to get coffee w/o first having coffee! C) Like reloading, doing it yourself produces a better product at a lower cost. 1 coffee a weekday out costs more than insurance on my motorcycle; i can't "make" insurance at home.
As far as McD' s vs. TH? I despise TH. They prey on nationalism, which is fine except that they are a freakin' Brazilian company, so their profits leave the country, and they are solely profit driven, as attested to by their disgruntled franchisees who feel they are getting ripped off. Quality of baked goods is questionable as well.
And the whole getting rid of paid breaks to be able to pay the new minimum wage? JJ Bean in Vancouver voluntarily raised their wages to match Toronto wages.
Like Coors light, Timmy Hos has to rely on advertising and image, never mentioning the quality of their product.

Right on!
Get yourself a coffee press I think there call a French or Turkish press......
Go buy a bag of beans grind and enjoy ....you’ll be surprised by what you are missing
And how good it is
The rest is basically the equal to donkey/horse PISS
Hmmmm yummy pee pee !!!
MacDonald's literally purchased Tim Horton's old supplier, all you folks saying you prefer McD's are actually drinking what was Tim Horton's coffee about 10 years ago. They bought the entire thing, the supply chain and all.

Source: MacDonald's Europe VP of Sales and Marketing is friends with my wife

I prefer Tims by a very small margin and switch back and forth for variety. Tims has a special flavour that no one else has to keep us coming back. Unfortunately it usually is a crapshoot how much sugar or cream they put in your coffee. I swear they can even mess up black coffee. You will even end up with tea occasionally. This also happens at McD. Starbucks will be opening in my small town in the spring and I will soon be broke. Sighhhh.
I brew at home with my French press, usually Black Rifle Coffee or Kicking Horse or something similar. When I'm out I prefer McD's they brew a better cup.
Brew my own at home, but if I'm traveling usually Tim's. I've never tried Mickey D coffee because I never go there, but I might now to try their coffee with how many votes they have so far.

I'm thinking the same here next time I am outta town and going through Brandon I may have to make a point of stopping and trying it.
Though I'm all about the McDonald's coffee, the more important issue is the lid. People boycotting Tim's because of the Labour...they should be pissed about those terrible lids. I've ruined more pants.
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