GTA Southern Ontario M14Clinic CDN Gunworks Oshawa 04 March 2018 Debrief here....


Your EMT was perfectly done. You are Good to GO!

Dekapon, just a reminder to let me know who you are and which clinic you are paying me for. I am juggling a few of them. It’s all good. Lots of room, not a problem....

Cheers, Barney
Hey Barney: How's it going? you are going to kill me but, i couldn't resist! after seeing one of our fellow M14 collector/banana's Black feather chasis, i also converted my M14 to a black feather. So some of that TLC you gave my rifle is with the original stock....but, all the shimming work and gas block work is un touched! So.. can i still come to the clinic :)

yours faithfully the other Banana!
Hey Barney, I just wanted to thank you for a great day. This was my second time attending and I had lots of fun.Keep up the good work.
Still have to unpack the RAV4 with all my tools and swag this morning. What an epic day with all of you....I hope you all had as much fun as I did laughing while learning...

I never had so many white guys working for me while I supervised with my “finger of authority” while we were outside indexing barrels. :nest:

Major thanks to the CDN Gunwokx for having me over to torment you M14Gunnies for the day

Big thanks go to Ceejay or Cameron for lending his expertise ... he’s taking over this M14 shzt when I drop dead.... :eek:

Thanks go to all of you for putting up with my ever growing stale and staler jokes....I just keep recycling them...

I was just yakking with Al do the CDN Gunworkx for another Sunday clinic somewhere in October before deer/rifle season so get ready if you could not make this date!!

Cheers, Barney

I wanted to thank you for an awesome day. I've# still got my ####... so thats good.

There were a couple things i was concerned about like my barrel index and you set me straight. I'm feeling great about my rifle now! She ain't pretty but she's mine and she's a keeper!

Until next time,

Kind regards,
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