Taking a deposit for a product is entering into a contract in the eyes of the competition bureau. Can't help you with your drunk idiots question.

Regardless, it probably shouldn't be a very big increase.

Hey guys, yes the cost has increased, and the MSRP has increased to $1549.99 as well. Anyone who has a pre-order is getting the originally agreed upon price of $1499 from Reliable Gun. We started contacting people last night now that we have a confirmed # of rifles we are getting in our first batch. If you received a call from us, please get back to us to provide a deposit if you haven't already and were on the wait list to lock in your pricing and order. We are working on getting another batch to fulfill the rest of the wait list, but haven't received confirmation on it yet. If you have any questions, please drop us an email at


We are calling people with deposits from the pre-sale and those on the wait list now to confirm payment and shipping details now. Stay tuned!

That Magnum Look Tho.
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Kel-Tec's site says 223/556 think I'll try to contact them just to make sure the Canadian edition aren't different.

I created a ticket and sent it off now waiting for reply.
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I picked mine up yesterday. It is stamped 223.

And 20 inches long by the look of it..... Not so much a heavy barrel but a 20" instead of the originally talked about Canadian 18.5"
It makes sense that Kel-tec would simply production of one longer barrel length but it's a bit lame that zero information about changes to the specs actually flows out of Keltec through Vault and then on to the distributors. The 20 inch barrel looks pretty good and a bit more velocity and possibly less muzzle flash is not a negative that's for sure.
And? Come on post some pictures! Do you like it!

I didn't get any time to play with it. It came with a 10 round pistol mag, manual, and a decal and a sticker. It does appear to have a 20" barrel. Incredibly compact and light. SHWIIIINNGG I had to put it away and go back to work. :^( and a sling.
Thanks reliable gun. Got mine in the mail today. Can't wait to try it out tomorrow. I'vehandled the sub2k and SU 16 before so I kept my expectations moderately low but this looks very nice .

Bone dry out of the box, not a drop of lube it seems.


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And 20 inches long by the look of it..... Not so much a heavy barrel but a 20" instead of the originally talked about Canadian 18.5"
It makes sense that Kel-tec would simply production of one longer barrel length but it's a bit lame that zero information about changes to the specs actually flows out of Keltec through Vault and then on to the distributors. The 20 inch barrel looks pretty good and a bit more velocity and possibly less muzzle flash is not a negative that's for sure.

Will at least one personne give me credit for this??? I was saying this this winter wen they where first anouce. I told everybody, 20 inch barrel as the one in the US , no special Canadian 18.5 inch barrel, but I was refuted by some dealer on CGN and by some claiming to be in the loop. But as I was stating, I was right!
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Will at least one personne give me credit for this??? I was saying this this winter wen they where first anouce. I told everybody, 20 inch barrel as the one in the US , no special Canadian 18.5 inch barrel, but I was refuted by some dealer on CGN and by some claiming to be in the loop. But as I was stating, I was right!

Will at least one personne give me credit for this??? I was saying this this winter wen they where first anouce. I told everybody, 20 inch barrel as the one in the US , no special Canadian 18.5 inch barrel, but I was refuted by some dealer on CGN and by some claiming to be in the loop. But as I was stating, I was right!
$Yes. You were right. I award you a big shiny trophy!
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Got a reply back from Kel-Tec Canadian version is 223 only. American is 556/223. That kinda sucks but good to know
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