Ohhh, I really like the steel and wood look of the M43. Gives it a nice old world feel. Hopefully you can get your hands on a few of those, I’d love to own one.

Seems a lot of people agree with you, it was a prototype/concept from a few years ago that never went any further.
and now with that OTHER NR 5.56,,it might be a hard sell on these tuperware guns,man that's a lot of screws,reminds me of the old toy mechano build sets.
I thought keltec said they weren't manufacturing that model?

They said they will first have to fill the demand for the RDB and the Survival (read Cali) version before M43 production.

Now knowing Kel-Tec they might have as well said they weren't going to manufacture the M43 but officially M43 is not scrapped.

and now with that OTHER NR 5.56,,it might be a hard sell on these tuperware guns,man that's a lot of screws,reminds me of the old toy mechano build sets.

Even with new development it will not effect RDB that much , at $1500 it is priced right taking in consideration our dollars value.
In US they sell fast and they don't have "restricted"
situation .
I think X95 and other pricey NR rifles will take a hit.
But even now with a $1000 NR rifle on horizon I would buy my XCR over again !
That offer was slightly little rifles offered, and news to when we could get more of those

We were only guaranteed a limited number for the first shipment. We are now taking names and phone #'s for the wait list for the second batch we have ordered. We haven't received confirmation when they will be shipped to us yet. If you'd like to be put on the wait list, please send us an email to with your name and preferred contact #, and we will contact those on the wait list if any pre-orders cancel, or when we receive confirmation of our second batch.
Even with new development it will not effect RDB that much , at $1500 it is priced right taking in consideration our dollars value.
In US they sell fast and they don't have "restricted"
situation .
I think X95 and other pricey NR rifles will take a hit.
But even now with a $1000 NR rifle on horizon I would buy my XCR over again !
I think you're right regarding the high end NRs taking a hit but I think the restricted AR platform style rifles are going to suffer more. I have no experience with ARs and am guessing at that. I'm watching the EE closely to try and gauge what people are getting rid of to make way for all the new offerings and it appears to be the M-14/305s.
Throw us a bone!!!

Hey @random92. Sorry for the delay getting back to you, we're closed Sunday/Monday. I have sent a request to the supplier for an update, and will provide an update when we have more information, thanks.

No new updates yet. Supplier is still waiting on Kel-Tec to provide an update, hopefully next week. As soon as we have more information, we'll be doing a post.

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