Wk180-C technical questions & answers only

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People are anxious now. Dates were set, but problems do pop up in production and must be expected. I think a realistic projection of rifles released is what we need.
Maybe less time on the .308 version until people actually have the .223. Just my opinion.
This isn’t so much a technical question about the WK, but about dust covers in general. I will admit that I haven’t owned an AR yet.
So the answer may slap me in face with it’s obviousness.

How come dust covers aren’t just mounted over the ejection port and allowed to fall closed?
This isn’t so much a technical question about the WK, but about dust covers in general. I will admit that I haven’t owned an AR yet.
So the answer may slap me in face with it’s obviousness.

How come dust covers aren’t just mounted over the ejection port and allowed to fall closed?

If you mean why aren't they hinged from the top as opposed to the bottom? The answer or at least part of the answer has to do with access to the E port. A free to flop dust cover hinged from the top would make observing the chamber or clearing some stoppages a pain in the butt.
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