CDTSA - Milo Range CQB Clinic 28-29 April 2018 Debrief here....


CGN Ultra frequent flyer
Georgian Bay, ON
It's official CQB Clinic is returning to Southern AB 28-29 April 2018 ONCE Again.... I'm BACK....... :dancingbanana:

I START taking MEMBER registrations on 02 Jan 2018 for the entire month of January... I will START taking Non-CDTSA Milo- Members on 01 Feb 2018. This ONE Month period allows the CDTSA members a window to get a head start with the registration process... After all, it IS their club and we non-members are just visitors... :cool:


Here's the link to the club's site:

Here's the link to the Milo Range:


28-29 April 2018 (Saturday and Sunday)

We usually gather around 0800 - 0830 and then a casual start for 0900


MEMBERS: $ 60 for both days
Guests: $ 80 for both days (cheaper than a round of golf)

I don't have super high expenses to cover this time around since I'm not driving across the 2 time zones with my range kit and CQB kit and sponsored rifles. I'm just flying and sleeping on the floor of the trailer on the Milo Range. I'm slumming it that way, and that's how I'm trying to keep my/our/the costs down... :cheers:

Letters on Invite for your STATT

Once you pay me (EMT down below) I will be directing you to my pointman and chief host via email. You will be responsible for arranging your own ST ATT. We do things differently here in Ontario (I am learning).

Material Focus

Everything I'll be teaching you is based on the CQB matches fired by the ORA at Langemark Range, CFB Borden...

CQB Competition (like in the ORA - Ontario Rifle Association) :

* Snap shooting, rapid fire shooting, modified prone shooting
* Advance and fire shooting
* rapid magazine changes (since we don't use hi-cap mags in Canada)
* gear selection, gear manipulation, gear evolution (I'm gonna surprise ya big time...)
* What works in close and what belongs in the video games
* What works for you and what does not work for you
* Why you do up all your pouches and zippers especially before using the PortaPotty

CQB Gear to Bring:

Depending upon the focus of the type of CQB clinic (this clinic happens to lean to the Restricted platforms)

* Reliable , dependable, and tested RESTRICTED rifle & pistol (unless you insist on shooting an SKS or other NR rifle)
* Current club issued long term ATT or Short term ATT for guests

* Optics (Aimpoint, EOTech, BUIS, iron sights, ACOG, ELCAN, 1x or 2x magnification scope)
* Bring over 400 Rounds of carbine ammo (distances inside 50m), bring the cheeep stuff
* Bring 100 rounds of pistol ammo
* Bring 5 rifle magazines AND 2 pistol magazines. Hopefully you have marked/named/numbered your magazines
* Ensure you have reliable iron sights or reliable/tested/proven optics
* Your vest or webbing must hold the 5 x 5/20 or the 5 x 5/30 magazines you will need, depends on your platform.
* Your vest should have pouches for 2 pistol magazines
* Your vest or webbing should be reliable (read: avoid the mall ninja, airsoft renditions) so buy quality
* Single point sling (Vickers, BFG, Magpul MS3... my favorite by far)
* Bring extra ammo, whenever in doubt (better yet double my suggested round count)
* a bottle of lube (CLP, oil, grease, KY Jelly)
* 2 or 3 pens/pencils
* small rag
* ear protection (electronic means are recommended)
* Ballistic glasses are mandatory
* an open mind
* a sense of humour
* Read about some gear preparation ideas here:


Bring them on! Buckaroo and I will answer your questions (well, within reason anyways). Just don't ask what the weather is like in the end of April... :eek:


Keep an eye right HERE in this thread!

Okay this message rolled in today from Buckaroo (08 Feb 2018)

It seems Burton Tactical wants to come out and play....that’s cool....

Hola Brother

Few updates for the April 28-29 Clinic
Sponsored by Burton Tactical
All welcome even if ya don't have the equipment don't worry we can get you setup if your wanting to try or if you wanted your better half to join but don't have the extra kit an or gear.
Will have Demo rifles an pistols with holsters (multiple units)
Have extra gear if people are needing.
Burton Tactical will also be bringing extra 556 and 9mm if ya run low or are needing ammo to start with at a very discounted rate.
This will be a epic Clinic boys an girls as all are welcome so let's run n gun.
An questions at all just contact me or Tactical Teacher an we will get ya set up.

Suns out guns out


$ 80 for Guests, and $ 60 for members; by EMT only. I hope you bank online, EMT is an option at your online banking options. Once you pay me, you are registered. It's that simple! :D

I will keep updating this thread regarding the numbers and spaces remaining!

EMT Information:

Name: Tactical Teacher
Question: What is your Original CGN handle?
Answer: hungry (all low caps so I cannot mess things up)
Email address: hungry556 AT

Somewhere in the EMT, remind me of your CGN handle :wave: AND your CDTSA member number (for you members , of course....)

RBC tweaked my EMT software into direct EMT process my be shorter!

Last edited:

Drop me a note: We can probably have Truck Norris and the Beast out there to provide some support and to give you a kitchen... Plus you can heat and cool the thing. In May, it can sometimes be pretty nasty out in the prairies.

So, about mags; Is the idea to have 5 independent mags, so that one can be dropped and the next one loaded? Or would having coupled LAR mags and just flipping them over work?

I wouldn't mind coming out for this thing, but I'm also not super thrilled about having to go out and buy a complete different setup. I'd much rather be able to use my 3-gun belt, if I could. I can hold 4 rifle mags and 4 pistol mags on it.
So, about mags; Is the idea to have 5 independent mags, so that one can be dropped and the next one loaded? Or would having coupled LAR mags and just flipping them over work?

I wouldn't mind coming out for this thing, but I'm also not super thrilled about having to go out and buy a complete different setup. I'd much rather be able to use my 3-gun belt, if I could. I can hold 4 rifle mags and 4 pistol mags on it.

The ORA rules no longer allow flipping the coupled mags I understand. Remember that this CoF precipitated from the CAFSAC CoF and that’s part of its attraction and heritage.

I run FIVE 10 rounders only filled to five rounds inside. Then I have the GS Designs mag extension added on.... Easier to grab these ten rounders from the pouch....

And depending upon how you set up or employ modularity in your three gun setup, you might be able to accomplish dual duty

I still love my cheap vest or FLC or Fighting load carrier and Tactical Taulor pouches from the army surplus eBay auctions.

Bring on the questions!! :cool:

Cheers, Barney
I attended last year and it was a first class clinic. A lot of fun, and hoping I can clear it with the missus to make it happen again this year. PS - even though it is end of April...don't forget your sunscreen!!!

I did the clinic as well and second the great review. You don’t have to get permission from the mrs. if you sign her up too. That’s what I’m doing and she is looking forward to it.
Any chance of a PR clinic out west?

I need a KD Range (known distance) with covered cement butts to teach this properly.... I know of a 900m Range in Dundurn, SK that’s rarely used except for the odd PPCLI Sniper course

I’m luckier out here in Ontario because there are many bases that have these ranges. The PR matches by and their NSCC C OF Fire are designed around these ranges

Any thought on having me out west? All depends on the ranges and their facilities. I’m blessed to have a pointman / organizer / club president like chalkriver2.5 or Morgan who helps make things happen on base for me.....

Cheers, Barney
This was a great class last year... Thinking of doing it again this year, and using my 858 instead of my AR... Probably leave the fancy grips off my 92fs this time though ;)

It's a fun couple of days, with some great tips and tricks. Any chance to spend a couple solid days learning and practising for this kind of money is a fantastic deal.
Hey Barney,

Years ago, a bunch of us that used to shoot Service Rifle in Alberta (namely out of YYC) spent a day shooting on the base range(s) up in Edmonton. It was some time ago now (easily 10-12 years ago) and I don't recall the exact specifics of how we (a fair number of civilians included) managed to get it set up and approved, etc. - but it was a fantastic facility and an incredible day. Any chance that could be an option for a PR Clinic in AB?


Is there any pre-requisite to take the course? I am very interested but haven’t had a chance to take any shooting courses...yet.
Is there any pre-requisite to take the course? I am very interested but haven’t had a chance to take any shooting courses...yet.

Read the threads from last year, there were lots of questions asked and answered.

My biggest concern was having the "right" setup. Mostly you just need a holster and rifle sling you are comfortable with and a way to carry mags that you like. Some guys had full operator class set ups, some stuffed mags in pockets. You don't need specific gear or skill set, just something that works and the willingness to take it slow at first and learn.
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