Petition to stop the CBSA from stealing your folding Knives!


Expried Business Member
Maple Ridge BC
To those of you not in the know. The CBSA has decided to interpret the knife laws in Canada to suite their own agenda and have been seizing perfectly legal knives from both consumers and retailers at the border under their own internal misguided interpretation of the law. This is a complete abuse of power on the CBSA’s behalf and it is time for Canadians to stand up! This could be the beginning of a slippery slope.

Please take 30 seconds and sign the petition below and fight for your rights!

Link to article outlining what’s going on

Go fund me link:
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Already done..... this is also stopping manufacturers from shipping into Canada. Yes the ever so dangerous spydeco folder. Just went you think things couldn't get any stupider
Thanks for posting these links Wanstalls!!

This petition will definitely send a message to the sitting government but, let’s face it, it is unlikely to bring about any actual change. I think the real chance we have at overruling or overturning this arbitrary decision is through the court challenge that a Toronto area lawyer is preparing to mount.

That said, the fundraising campaign for this court challenge doesn’t have even a fraction of the momentum (at least not yet) that the petition has so far. I’m thrilled to see that, so far, 107 of us have donated almost $5300 to this legal fight but there is still a long ways to go.

I am hopeful that knife manufacturers and retailers will start to take notice and help with the funding but I’m also hopeful that knife collectors, enthusiasts, and users will all band together an kick in a few bucks too.

I’ve said this both on CGN and elsewhere, but if even 10% of Canadians who carry a pocket knife kicked in just 5 bucks each this thing would be funded on no time.
The liberal government doesn't care and neither does the CBSA, we all know this petition will go nowhere. The liberals have the majority and they simply do not have to do jack sh\t about it....and trust me they won't!
The liberal government doesn't care and neither does the CBSA, we all know this petition will go nowhere. The liberals have the majority and they simply do not have to do jack sh\t about it....and trust me they won't!

All the more reason to kick in 10 or 20 bucks for the court challenge. This is the one thing that will actually work. Read the second link that Wanstalls posted to read what the lawyer has to say and what her strategy is. If nothing else, the initial court injunction will stop the CBSA from banning the importation of any knives under this ruling until the whole thing runs its course through the court system.
Wanstalls: thanks very much for posting all of this on Facebook!! It’s things like this that keep you at the top of most people’s list of favorite retailers!!
This needs to stop. My edc is a spyderco endura 4 and i can list off several occasions with border patrol and local police that took much explaining to mitigate the situation t it's not funny at all. Signed and hope others do too
The amount of complete lunacy that is dripping from this liberal government is outrageous. Just as others have mentioned 10 million to kadar but no money for the blind and the CNIB. Custom charges increasing for item purchased from the US and banning knives? Other monies earmarked for ludicrous programs. Personally I have had enough of this particular liberal government and other liberals should as well.
Sorry just had to rant this kind of thing should not even occur ever.
The liberal government doesn't care and neither does the CBSA, we all know this petition will go nowhere. The liberals have the majority and they simply do not have to do jack sh\t about it....and trust me they won't!
Trust you?? Wow, that is one hell of a defeatist (socialist) attitude. Roll over, do nothing, encourage others to do the same. Lame.

And don't forget to share this far and wide on whatever social media you use. This is a ridiculous decision, a knife is a knife, the fact that switch blades and butterfly knives are prohibited at all makes no logical sense but that can be a fight for another day.
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