Bill c-71

Alberta separatist party will be back on the table or a Western Canada one.

What about just a rural separatist party? 10 people walk into a room, 9 have 10 dollars, 1 has 1000. The nine vote to divide the money equally, so then they all have 109 dollars. Without any adherence to a set of rules, like a proper constitution, democracy is just organized bullying and robbery. No such thing as freedom my friends, just rights that the majority of the population is allowing you to have.
If I read that correctly, it means we have to report every non-restricted sale/trade and that long gun will be registered......

From how I read it, it is only if the transferor requests it to CYA. Nowhere does it say that the transferor is mandated to initiate a reference number. I am reading if that was the case that would have been worded differently
Looks to me like the classification of the AR cannot be changed by the rcmp.

The schedule prescribing the AR to be restricted remains in tact

From my interpretation they can no longer change a firearm back to non restricted if it was once deemed restricted/prohibited, they do still have the power to make a firearm restricted or prohibited...

Quoted from the CSSA,
"The powers of the Governing Council to declare any firearm to be Non-Restricted has been revoked. The Governing Council may still be used to declare any firearms to be restricted or prohibited."
Reference Number for Transfer of Non-Restricted Firearms. The requirement for a reference number for transfer of non-restricted firearms is likely intended to improve public safety by identifying firearms licensees purchasing large numbers of firearms and who may be engaged in “straw purchases” for unlicensed individuals.

Confiscation of Prohibited Items without Compensation. This change is very troubling because the RCMP could reclassify an item as prohibited that was lawfully purchased under the previous interpretation, and then seize the item. I’m no lawyer but I believe this scenario is akin to an officially induced error. I don’t understand how an item can change classification unless it was misrepresented or originally classified in error, in which latter case the classifying authority should be liable for any damages caused by its error. For example, AR-type carbines lawfully purchased as restricted firearms, as specified by the RCMP or legislation, should not be seized without compensation if the RCMP reclassify them as prohibited, which implies that the RCMP erred in the original classification.

I take the first (if it is actually saying that NR need a mandatory reference number) is the answer that everyone complained that there is no difference between a restricted gun and NR. So they raised the bar..
Sometime be careful what you wish for
Where's the petition against this?

Can it please be posted in the general or someplace I'll easily see it.

A petition will do nothing. Start wiring letters, emails don't count.

Well one is better than none... particularly if its created by an MP first. If it's something on than not much help, maybe just maybe if we get like 1million on it could be useful for media attention is probably about all.

The MP's need something to vote against showing constituency support, a proper petition could greatly help with that.

Whos the best chance we have to start that? Probably Andrew Scheer.
From my interpretation they can no longer change a firearm back to non restricted if it was once deemed restricted/prohibited, they do still have the power to make a firearm restricted or prohibited...

Quoted from the CSSA,
"The powers of the Governing Council to declare any firearm to be Non-Restricted has been revoked. The Governing Council may still be used to declare any firearms to be restricted or prohibited."

I read it the same way.
oh, one more big deal... not a mention of how this new bill will be used against crime and stopping criminals. pretty sure its safe to actually say LITTERALLY NOT A WORD on the topic. This is IN FACT A TOTAL BILL DIRECTLY AFFECTING law abiding gun owners with impunity, confiscation, worse penalities and more complicated processes and IT SURE AS FLYS LOVE SH!T another Registry.

I read through all this, one other thing not mentioned was the fact that all the businesses will need a STANDARDIZED system to record the myriads of data... this in an of it self is separate to the CFO transfers process. It will eiather mean they all get one system, probably burdened onto the businesses or there would be two which would technically be two separate registries...

This is really bad people... plus the other stuff and more yet to be deciphered...
there is no way the CFO's will suddenly change their tone and allow specific prohibs to be suddenly transported

There is no way of making sense out of foolish regulations/laws because they are only meant to deter the shooting sports and collecting interest.

One class of prohib. rifles is exempt from taking to the range because they are not as ugly to them as the others perhaps?
I read through all this, one other thing not mentioned was the fact that all the businesses will need a STANDARDIZED system to record the myriads of data... this in an of it self is separate to the CFO transfers process.

Statutes do not typically detail out how ministries will enforce the law. They simply state the law, and putting it into practice is up to the executive branch
caught the end of the news tonight, Liberals have more gun plans on the horizon including the following:

1.) Gun dealers having to beef up their storage to prevent theft.
2.) Targeting violent gun advertising (Whatever this means)
Am I reading this correctly that the grandfathered prohib ownership would be for that specific rifle “class” of variants only? I was dreaming during my first skim that it allowed for grandfathered status to acquire others but now seeing only limited to that specific section 11 or 13 class?

*Sigh* I had been enjoying this government not doing anything related to firearms. I knew it was going to be short lived.
People are missing the bite of this bill... if they had come out and said XYZ = prohib or all semis = prohib or whatever people would be hunting MP's with flaming torches and pitch forks in Ottawa.


Yes exactly! Especially as you'll notice section 23 calls for the requirement for reference numbers for non restricted sales.
Authorization to transfer non-restricted firearms

23 (1) A person may transfer a non-restricted firearm if, at the time of the transfer,

(a) the transferee holds a licence authorizing the transferee to acquire and possess#a non-restricted#firearm;

(b) the Registrar has, at the transferor’s request, issued a reference number for the transfer and provided it to the transferor; and

(c) the reference number is still valid.

I hope the RCMP are ready for myself and all my friends to call daily to buy / sell / transfer our various non restricted firearms , might need to hire a few more phone operaters when the 12 of us call for the 3rd time of the day to transfer stuff around again. We're pretty indecisive...
I can feel that the purchases of fishing pole tubes and automatic transmission fluid going through the roof. Next year the liberals will be gone and this will be amended by our next PC government. When the Nazis took political power the first thing they did was take the guns, same with Stalin, and every other dictatorship that rose to power. No free speech, no firearms to feed yourself or keep bears from eating your livestock. Creating a dependency on themselves and then taking your ways to be self sufficient is how they want everyone to be. Since Pierre sold out the Bank of Canada, and used our largest act of terrorism done by Gamil Rodrigue Liass Gharbi (name change to Marc Lepine) to impose harsh gun laws when ALL, ALL, ALL crime world wide has been declining for the last 100 years consistently. Soon you will be taxed of food you grow in your garden and water collected in rain barrels.
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