Kodiak Defense 858 Rifles in stock

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I can see that there will be a requirement for re-building CZ 858 rifles with Kodiak receivers but Kodak is tied up with WK180-C production. I would suggest you sell your CZ 858 as no more are available to someone who wants to have the prohibited class and then purchase new Kodiak 858 from us, I expect you should be able to break even.
any plans to sell barreled receivers from kodiak? CZ owners can keep their property and still be granted any hokus pokus clause. This could also turn into great PR, along with self satisfaction stemming from the last shipment of CZ’s that you had ordered.
Question: Would most VZ58 parts fit onto this rifle? I have a built vz58 rifle that is unfortunately broken and would want to move all the furniture over to the new rifle.
Under the new legislation, the RCMP can now, with the stroke of a pen, prohibit any firearm. CSA VZ58, SKS, AR it can be prohibited in a heartbeat after this bill passes. Liberals have given the power to do this. The 858 and variants and Swiss Arms were only named for this bill, but the power has been given to do more damage.
I can't get an ATT to take any of my 12(3) or 12(5) to the range for over a decade. I doubt they will ever allow an ATT for any long gun deemed prohibited.
Under the new legislation, the RCMP can now, with the stroke of a pen, prohibit any firearm. CSA VZ58, SKS, AR it can be prohibited in a heartbeat after this bill passes. Liberals have given the power to do this. The 858 and variants and Swiss Arms were only named for this bill, but the power has been given to do more damage.
I can't get an ATT to take any of my 12(3) or 12(5) to the range for over a decade. I doubt they will ever allow an ATT for any long gun deemed prohibited.

I feel the pain....same goes for me and my 12(5)s. I just clean them, mostly the dust though.
I feel the pain....same goes for me and my 12(5)s. I just clean them, mostly the dust though.

If they are not willing to fee all the prohibs for range use then no one should believe they will continue to allow the new prohibs to be shot for much longer then necessary.

John, didn't Kodiak make changes to their receivers so that they could never accept the parts necessary to make them go fast?
Maybe I'm thinking of a different project?
Could someone please fill in the blanks for me? Would someone need to have a Restricted license to be grandfathered in for the 12(9) or would I be able to get it with a non-res? I'm hoping someone could answer that for me
Could someone please fill in the blanks for me? Would someone need to have a Restricted license to be grandfathered in for the 12(9) or would I be able to get it with a non-res? I'm hoping someone could answer that for me

This is my understanding of how it should work.
The way it works with a Prohibited class is that it will be added to your PAL when you register the firearm in question before the dead line. No need for a restricted PAL, but you have to make the application to register before the dead line or you are SOL!
So the bill is not law yet...
So do we make an application to register once the bill is law?
Who does one register your CZ too, what government agency, the CFC, the RCMP, Lord Goodale?

Or are these unknowns?
While I was applying to renew my PAL about a month ago there is a button to click to apply for a firearm registration on the RCMP CFO website. It states it is not legally required but if you wish to do so you can register your firearm. I'm assuming that is where you would apply for this aswell
Lol and I’ll guarantee there’s people who do it.

While I was applying to renew my PAL about a month ago there is a button to click to apply for a firearm registration on the RCMP CFO website. It states it is not legally required but if you wish to do so you can register your firearm. I'm assuming that is where you would apply for this aswell
Probably. Just like for this, your damned if you do and damned if you don't do it and they don't pass the bill, now it's registered, don't do it and the bill goes through then your screwed with a prohib and no possible licence for it.
Under the new legislation, the RCMP can now, with the stroke of a pen, prohibit any firearm. CSA VZ58, SKS, AR it can be prohibited in a heartbeat after this bill passes.

Don't panic! No, the RCMP CAN'T do that NOW! The Bill C-71 is NOT the law of the land yet! Roughly, it would take 8-12 months before the Bill would get Royal Assent after which it would become law. In the meantime, the NFA and CCFR declared the challenge to this legislation (https://www.canadiangunnutz.com/for...-to-mount-campaign-against-Liberal-bill-C-71; https://www.canadiangunnutz.com/forum/showthread.php/1699377-CCFR-C-71-response). IMHO it will be prolonged to 2019 which is the election year and the Libs will not do anything serious to the gun owners. Then in October 2019 election comes and you must mobilize yourself and your gunnies friends to vote for Conservatives.
John. Any plans for a run of stripped Kodiak recievers?

Yes, but first we need to get the WK180-C back orders taken care of.

DO NOT PANIC, this is not law yet plenty of time to register before the deadline. Right now it is business as usual.

Hopefully we will be able to get some changes because as it reads right now the RCMP are given a free reign and I can only assume that "with out political interference" means no appeal! That is very scary.
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