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Thread: OneClearVoice!!! *UPDATE*

  1. #1
    Business Member Rep Wolverine .303's Avatar
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    OneClearVoice!!! *UPDATE*

    Howdy Folks, time for action. If you haven't seen this yet, give it a read and participate!!

    The Original Post by Doug_M: ( Action centre - Check it out ) is now live. Hit it!

    This time around ocv will be used campaign style. So it won't be a repository of letters you can choose and then print. Instead it is more like an OpenMedia style email campaign. This is about making a loud noise to scare the crap out of them. Campaign #1 is live now. The point is to let the Liberal government know we are a large and angry community that will work hard to defeat them in 2019 because of this bill. If we don't fight them on this, if we roll over and say ATT's, extended backgrounds and a store registry are no big deal then we deserve whatever else they dream up. Oh, and in case you missed it, C-71 will result in those CZ and SA prohibitions.

    Any tech support issues with the sight can be posted here. I'll check this thread periodically.

    Campaign #2 is live. If you missed out on #1 it is still there in the menu. If you don't see Campaign #2 just refresh your browser.

    Campaign #2 - Shaky Ground
    Next up are the MP's who only won their riding by a very slim margin. All of these MP's won by 5% or less, some by less than 1%! It is up to us to let them know that this bill will reduce their chances of re-election and in turn get them to put pressure on the Public Safety Minister.

    Campaign #3 - Allies
    We cannot assume that the Official Opposition in the House of Commons knows what we think of C-71, nor can we let them be relatively idle about it without hearing from us. Campaign #3 lets the Leader of the Opposition, some of his shadow cabinet and a few select Conservative MP's know that we oppose this bill and we expect them to vocally oppose it too. If you missed the previous campaigns they are still available in the "Ongoing Campaigns" menu above.

    Campaign #4 - Prohibition
    With C-71 the Liberal government will prohibit CZ-858 and Swiss Arms Classic rifles. While they are offering "grandfathering", make no mistake, it is outright confiscation without compensation. Just ask the current owners of 12.x grandfathered rifles who can no longer even take them to a range to shoot them or pass them on to their children. Ask them what the value of their rifles are now that the potential market has been restricted to just those with the exact same 12.x license. But what makes this part of C-71 even worse is it is by design this deliberate confiscation will take a bit of time to complete, so they are not on the hook for a massive compensation bill of over $9 million dollars! Instead owners of these rifles will slowly and quietly lose their property and it will happen out of public scrutiny of the media. Let them know you aren't fooled and there will be a massive backlash come the 2019 federal election if they don't remove this prohibition.

    Campaign #5 - Abdication of Democracy

    With C-71 the Liberal government will remove the ability for itself to overrule an RCMP classification. They insist all the RCMP need do is follow the Firearms Act and classification will work as it should. But history has shown us that time and again the RCMP make mistakes. We also know that the definitions for the prohibited class in the Firearms Act are particularly open to interpretation (Mossberg Blaze-47 for example). Let the government know that abdicating this slice of democracy is unacceptable and we will hold them accountable for the classifcation decisions of the RCMP regardless.

    Campaign #6a - Hypocrisy
    The Liberal Government has introduced C-71 as part of its election platform to "get handguns and assault weapons off our streets." But the bill instead targets licensed gun owners with stricter control that has no public safety benefit let alone will affect the gangs and criminals that make up the vast majority of "gun crime" and homicide with firearms.

    Campaign 6 will be in several parts, each of a very short duration. The purpose is to send letters to the editors of several newspapers across the country in order to help shape public opinion on the bill.

    Campaign 6a points out not only the failings of C-71 but the government's hypocrisy in de-funding a grassroots community group that "are trying to eliminate violence, in particular gun violence, within our communities by working directly with those who run a high risk of becoming or are currently involved in violent activity."

    Campaign #7 - Liberal Talking Points
    At this point we are seeing Liberal MP's respond with what are clearly talking points given to them from the Minister of Public Safety's office. All of these points are easily refuted as is the premise for the entire bill. This campaign is written in a voice talking to the Public Safety Minister, but is also copied to your local MP and several other key people. As the MP's are back in their ridings until April 16th this campaign will run long in order to get maximum saturation. Time for us to debunk their talking points!

    Campaign #8a - (Committee) Prohibition
    C-71 is in its committee phase where the Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (SECU) review the details of the bill and possibly make changes. Letters need to be short and to the point, which is difficult to do when addressing the specifics of a bill. Campaign 8a focuses on the parts of the bill that deal with prohibiting firearms. Due to the nature of committee, campaign 8a is primarily focused on the technical failings of the relevant sections. Regardless, the goal is to get committee to scrap them. Other parts of the bill will be covered in later campaigns.

    The Liberal government has introduced Bill C-71. This bill is their trial balloon, their test of our resolve. If we fail to push back hard there will be more coming. We will be their whipping boy to satisfy the demands of the Coalition for Gun Control and Poly Remembers. We must not wait until the prohibitions start. We must let them know that we are united, motivated and angry. We must let them know the size of our voting block and our determination to wield that voting block to punish them for using us a low hanging fruit to satisfy the demands of a few gun grabbers. We must speak in one clear voice that will shake them to the core!


    In the past had been a letter writing platform with several letter options. While varied letters and written letters are still important, this time round is going to run focused campaigns. There will be one letter per campaign and it will be email only. The purpose is to send a rapid flood of unified emails that will be attention getting in order to show our numbers and our resolve.

    How It Works

    You provide your postal code so that your MP can be determined. The campaign email will then be addressed to the Prime Minister, the Public Safety Minister, your MP and the Chief of Staff to the PM Gerald Butts. Add your signature information and the email is ready to send. It needs to be sent by you (and not our server) so when you click the send button your default email application will open. You will then have the opportunity to make any edits to the email before your click send in your email application. Once you've sent the email go back to your browser and share via Twitter or Facebook if you are so inclined. Click the blue Take Action button above to get started!


    ONECLEARVOICE does not record any information you provide. While you are asked for your postal code (to look up your MP), your name and location, none of this information is retained on's server.

    Campaign #1 Email
    Dear Prime Minister:

    You promised a Liberal government would implement evidence-based policies. You promised you would introduce legislation to get handguns and assault weapons off our streets. Instead, with the introduction of Bill C-71 you have decided to once again ignore the evidence readily available from Statistics Canada and the Department of Justice and use licensed gun owners as your whipping boy to garner some votes, to be seen "doing something".

    Well we grew tired of this mistreatment in the 90's and early 2000's. It was harder to organize then but we did it, just ask Mr. Holland. This time around we have social media in our toolbelt and we are better organized. Our numbers have grown too. As such we will no longer tolerate being treated like criminals for you to attempt to grab votes at our expense.

    The lifetime background checks, backdoor vendor registry, backdoor registrar transfer system, useless extra ATT paperwork, free reign given to the RCMP to classify firearms without government oversight and the prohibiting of Swiss Arms and CZ-858 rifles must be removed from Bill C-71. Otherwise we will organize against you for the upcoming 2019 election. We will donate to other parties (we're really good at that). We will volunteer our time to other parties. We will be active on social media and every news site exposing the public to actual evidence-based facts regarding the source of gun violence in Canada.

    There are over 2 million licensed gun owners in Canada. Most of us have immediate and extended family who support our position. With that thought I will leave you with a quote from one of your most senior and experienced MP's.

    "We haven't learned as the Liberal party, if you're going to form, if you're going to develop policy if you're going to implement policy, you have to form government. And we need rural Canada in our camp. And I can tell you gun control cost us in rural Canada at least 60 seats"
    -- Wayne Easter, Feb 21, 2014

    Yours sincerely,
    Wolverine .303
    The True North, Strong and FREE

    Cc: The Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety
    Larry Maguire, M.P., House of Commons
    Gerald Butts, Chief of Staff to the Prime Minister

    Last edited by Wolverine .303; 04-13-2018 at 09:34 AM.
    - .303
    Phone: (204) 748-2454

  2. #2
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer albayo's Avatar
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    CGN Regular Arkangell's Avatar
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    Sent, thank you!

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    CGN Ultra frequent flyer 308BAR's Avatar
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    Done! thanks
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    CGN frequent flyer mattcwc's Avatar
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    GunNutz mojoman's Avatar
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  7. #7
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    Done, Thanks!

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    Member waybad1's Avatar
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    Sent, thanks

  9. #9
    CGN Regular goosehd's Avatar
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    Thank you! It’s great to see vendors taking such an active role in preserving our freedoms.

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    Done, thanks for the effort.

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