Garrison Petawawa PR2 09-10 June 2018 Debrief Here!

I'm not trying to be a smart alek but whatever it takes to confirm your zero at each distance. I'm dialed in so its 2 shots per distance so I can do it in 12 shots max. If you aren't dialed in, it will be whatever it takes. Adjust for elevation only. If your windage is on at 100m leave it at all the other distances, otherwise you are chasing wind and wasting time and ammo and not zeroing anything. Your skill level is a factor.
Again, not trying to be a smart alek.
What is the round count for Saturday's walk-back? I have too many things to get done before I leave, so I won't be loading any more, but want to make sure I have enough (or stay up really freaking late making more).

I haven't shot the walk back in I-don't-know-how-long.

For many years I shot the PR Walkback at the DCRA NSCC the day before matches 60-68 started....

I would complete each distance mound (100 and 200 and 300 and 400 and so on...) with TWO shots only.....why waste ammo?? :evil:

So at the last weekend’s walk back, I experienced people who had an inherent need to send a Shzt Load of bullets down range at say 100 meters.... :eek: Maybe I’m missing something or maybe I should have made myself more clear. Seems to me people were chasing sighters left and right even after they had established their waterline or elevation level.

I was trying to explain to these new shooters, usually Toronto shooters with expensive rifles and humongous ammo budgets, that every wind call will definitely be different for the Sunday match....for some silly reason they did not trust me and kept shooting more sighters at 200m even when the orange indicator was adjacent to the black patch.... :eek:

I guess I was jealous of their rigs alongside my Factory M700 SPS Varmint and/or Varmint Synthetic back in the 90’s when I could not afford any custom barrel or too many rounds to practice with.... :rolleyes:

Anyways, if you are REALLY good and confident in your ammo and rifle, ONE shot will get the job done at each mound, but I digress!! There’s an indicator you got your Shzt together!

One more sleep and we hit the road tomorrow...

Who is up for Burrito dinner at Quesada Burrito, just a few doors down from Millbrook Tactical?? 1900 hours or 7PM!

Cheers, Barney:wave:
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Thanks H the Duck and Barney. My intentions were to shoot 2 or 3 Sierra 69s I currently use and then 2 or 3 Hornady 68s, which are easier for me to source locally, and would like to use in the future. I just wanted to make sure I wouldn’t be holding back the group by doing so.

See you Saturday morning. SG maken, the boy and I will be leaving home “duck hunting early” to arrive at the meeting point at a decent time.
So at the last weekend’s walk back, I experienced people who had an inherent need to send a Shzt Load of bullets down range at say 100 meters.... :eek: Maybe I’m missing something or maybe I should have made myself more clear. Seems to me people were chasing sighters left and right even after they had established their waterline or elevation level.

I was trying to explain to these new shooters, usually Toronto shooters with expensive rifles and humongous ammo budgets, that every wind call will definitely be different for the Sunday match....for some silly reason they did not trust me and kept shooting more sighters at 200m even when the orange indicator was adjacent to the black patch.... :eek:

Further to what Barney has stated,,

There is a finite period of time available to get the walk back completed, so getting it done efficiently should be everyone's objective.

Sportsmanship is also a factor here, as the group is split into two groups with one in the butts and the other shooting the walk back. They then will change around so all get to shoot the walk back.
If the first group of shooters lollygags, or pounds rounds after they get their zero, then they are eating into the time that rightly should be for the next group to shoot. So, plse be aware of this factor and be a good competitor.
Likewise, when in the butts pay attention and give good service, get the target marked, patched and back up as quickly as possible.

The two most important zeroes to confirm on the walk back are the 200m (no sighters allowed in Match 60) and the 500m (1 x field expedient sighter only). The other matches at 300, 400, 600, 700 and 800 have two sighters before shooting for score.
Don't forget to take a field expedient sighter or two at the 500m point after you have confirmed your actual 500m zero. Write down the delta drop you see, and this is what you will be looking for when you shoot this sighter in the actual match.

If someone shows up with an unzeroed scope, then just let the RSO know before the walk back starts. They will then assist with getting you zeroed in a timely manner.
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I screwed up my airbnb ( LOL ... ) so I will have to drive straight to Pet in the morning.

IMHO, if time is the constraint, 100m is really to get shots on the target and it should be quick+dirty. I will then jump to 300m, 500m and 600m. The data points at the longer range are far more valuable than those at 200m. I can use 300, 500 and 600 data point to jingle with the velocity to test the come ups generated by the ballistic calculator.

Having a cool 200m and maybe 300m doesn't really give me much to work with for the longer range points. It doesn't do anything at all actually to test the come ups generated by the ballistic calculator, especially if the muzzle velocity is not exactly measured. The drop between 100, 200 and 300 are small, errors built in there have way more effect onlonger range come up extrapolation. Coming down from 300m to 200m is like 1 mil for a 308, even if I am off by 0.1 or even 0.2 mil it is not a completely life ending situation, but 0.2 mil at 600m is a lot more adding wind and other errors.

It is more accurate to interpolate points within a curve than extrapolating a curve using a little segment at the beginning. That is why I never like zeroing the crap out at short range and expecting miracle at the range beyond.
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It was super fun to receive good tips from Barney but also to meet the secret character who runs this place AND mess up his groupings not once but twice AND still posting on this forum. LOL

These all happened on Saturday. What more can I ask for ?
Home safely but I have a very busy morning and afternoon. All I can say is that I’m super grateful for all the things around me....

* I am thankful for a fantastic community of shooters who performed so well in the butts, not a complaint anywhere
* I’m grateful for our dedicated sentry Heather, nothing will happen without her help
* I’m grateful for club President Morgan ChalkRiver2 who makes all happen for this community
* I’m grateful for our diverse community especially at Dannys Meat dinner for all the jokes and cameraderie...does not get better
* I’m grateful for callsign22 for his suggestion to do a Kukri Draw, and Marie won this prize yahooooo!
* I’m grateful for my Butts Offficers since without their expertise we would have a rolling Shzt Show in the match
* I’m grateful for my shooters and their ever improving scores, I’m doing something right
* I’m grateful for the supporting match directors I’m working with, Ryan-Mcle & Rickster66, our community is stronger for this input
* I’m grateful for my mentors from Milcun dot com , Keith and Linda for inherently reminding me all of you better get off your butts and buy (and then study and practice) Lanny Bassham’s book “With Winning in Mind”
* I’m grateful for my Francophone helpers assisting my Franglaise delivery and putting up with my attempts to practice my French conversation no matter how small, insignificant, and broken. I am a better person for all your help :wave:
* I’m grateful for my Calis Garçons since they started last season they have been steadily improving their scores, gear, and shooting practice. Well done, fellows!
* I’m grateful for Shelldrake and your help all around the scenes in my weekend because you always step up to elevate other shooters’ games
* I’m grateful for for Rodney Maze for making his book, “Impact: Preparing for PRMatches” since I have a spring board or reference point for material delivery in my coaching practice. Your results are having an impact (pun intended). Now my clients can really progress their development

Okay I should be able to get your scores up this afternoon. :cool:

Cheers, Barney
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I just want to thank all of the shooters this weekend for being such a great community and great role models for my young lad, Duncan. He returns home from these weekends tired, but happy and full of knowledge from his experiences. Much healthier than spending a weekend playing video games!


Great weekend once again. Steller weather throughout.
Thanks to all who make this happen, thanks to all who show up. Solid group of shooters representing 2 provinces!
Look forward to PRS in July.
What a great weekend on the range, big thanks to everyone who helped to put this on, big thanks to Sheldrake for all his help, I look forward to building on what I've learned this past weekend.
My dear PR shooters,

The results are posted up in Post # 2 in this thread, and I shared a few interesting observations with you. Please have a look and peruse people’s performances. Look for personal “bests” and also consistent scoring. Also notice how some folks onl y dropped fewest points from their HPS highest possible score of 200 points.

Have a look at past matches in your shooting notebook and journal. You did take notes didn’t you? :eek:

Didn’t I remind you all that the dullest pencil always beats the sharpest mind?

Now as you go through your shooting log book, find and select the personal best scores for each match... add all four of the matches getting close to 200 points yet?

Time to carry out some goal setting.... as we were taught in my Tae Kwon Do classes.... “Goals you set, are goals you get!!”

Start writing down your goals.....

More on this later on..... :wave:

Cheers, Barney
My dear PR shooters,

The results are posted up in Post # 2 in this thread, and I shared a few interesting observations with you. Please have a look and peruse people’s performances. Look for personal “bests” and also consistent scoring. Also notice how some folks onl y dropped fewest points from their HPS highest possible score of 200 points.

Have a look at past matches in your shooting notebook and journal. You did take notes didn’t you? :eek:

Didn’t I remind you all that the dullest pencil always beats the sharpest mind?

Now as you go through your shooting log book, find and select the personal best scores for each match... add all four of the matches getting close to 200 points yet?

Time to carry out some goal setting.... as we were taught in my Tae Kwon Do classes.... “Goals you set, are goals you get!!”

Start writing down your goals.....

More on this later on..... :wave:

Cheers, Barney

An this is why this man is my mentor n my friend an a great wealth of knowledge.
Pay heed to what the man says as he's been there an done that an has the medals to back things up.
We are the future bears of this knowledge an like the ol sayin goes knowledge is power....
Hopin yo catch ya late this summer brother if the war department let's me off the porch hahaha
Some pictures to post up while I was bored at the mounds since I had expelled all the gaseous products from the mess hall bowl of baked beans.....on ChalkRiver2, of course.....

Beware of wet PHARTS..... :evil:




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Thank you so much to Barney, Morgan, Heather and every one else that showed up to this PR match!
I brought my friend Matt to shoot his first PR match with Barney. Had a lot of fun. I wanted to help him so much that I "Helped" him with the first match by crossfiring and put all my 10 rounds on his target instead of mine. That's how much I like him. Not sure how Barney told the boys to count it but he scored 46 with my sponsorship. LMAO.

Good job Matt great shooting buddy.

Also thanks to everybody there. Another great day. Remember....... a not so good day at the range is always better than a good day at work. :)
Another great clinic Barney ! Rick from CRPS sends thanks to the people who turned in the items found on the range and I will return them to him in Sept. It was a really nice weekend being on the range with everyone and hope to see you all back here again soon .
I had a great time Barney and will definitely be back, don’t think I can make the July match as I will be in the hay field but I’ll be at the next 2, thanks to everyone for all the pointers and thanks Pat for helping me on my first target.
I forgot that I took a pic of the range on Sat and a couple pics of our neighbor who showed up at the range in the morning.
Heather wasn't happy I chased it away with my truck again . :)

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