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Thread: Liberal Handgun Ban?

  1. #41
    CGN Regular shaddp's Avatar
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    The unfortunate reality is Andrew Sheer cannot win the election. I know so many strong conservative supporters that just don't like the guy or have much respect for him. I will grudgingly vote for him in this next round but you certainly won't get Canadians that are anywhere touching the middle to vote for him. The Conservatives only *sometimes* remember to do small things for gun owners when they are in power and just before they need us to vote for them. They have done a terrible job at taking real actions to support us. The best you can hope for looking at the actual landscape is a Liberal minority vs majority and then the NDP will help them push through any anti gun laws anyway. The diary lobby and evangelical groups are the only reason Sheer got the job and they have screwed every other conservative over in doing so by making it impossible for the Party to get even minority control let alone majority control in the next election. With Bernie leaving and now becoming an enemy of conservatives this will do even more damage, he could have helped a lot in Quebec, except for the dairy crowd of course.

    Andrew Sheer is the Mp here in Regina His children attended Regina Christian School and I met him many times, so me no make di up

    let us give him Justin's seat in 2019[/QUOTE]

    Our only hope is to help the general public understand where the real focus is needed for them to actually get safer, going after criminals instead of waiting for them to create more victims. And we need to share factual information with obviously credible sources such as Stats Canada as often as we can. Debunk the lying stats the Liberals are spreading to change public opinion. Its too bad these rat bastards couldn't be reasonable and leave gun owners alone, I actually agree with a lot of their other policies (certainly not all) but a lot more than I agree with the NDP and a little more than I agree with Conservatives. I'm going to let me MP know that if this goes through I will not only never vote liberal but will vocally and financially dedicate a large amount of resources for the rest of my life to cost the Liberal party votes. Its not that I will align with another party so much as I will align with whatever will do the most damage to the LIberals until the day I die. I'm sure I'm not the only one who shares this sentiment.
    Last edited by shaddp; 08-30-2018 at 12:23 AM.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    Gun control laws are a contentious issue and low hanging fruit for politicians. Best you can do here is keep reminding the voting public in a respectful and courteous manner that licenced gun owners are not perpetrating violent gun crimes. That we have been peacefully coexisting with the public for 150 years and that violent gun crime is the result of a declining standard of living amongst other things. Many people don't want to hear about it, they do however want to hear about broken election promises and other unpopular liberal policies and the fact that the liberals chose this issue to deflect from that. Speak their language and hopefully sway their vote. Bringing more people on side is helpful obviously, I suggest you start with fellow gun enthusiasts as they already speak our language. The liberals want this on the front page news, not the backlash surrounding their failing policies. Make their bad press the topic of discussion and we have a better chance of winning this thing.

  3. #43
    Join Date
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    Well said.

  4. #44
    CGN frequent flyer ghostie's Avatar
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    Last edited by ghostie; 04-20-2020 at 01:23 AM.

  5. #45
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghostie View Post
    Well, it is either support him; box up your handguns and semi-autos and drop them off at the detachment; or wait for ERT to come and get them. You choose.
    On the long run, no matter how many people we convert, I don't think it's going to make a difference. Canadians are overwelmingly against firearms. We're pretty much fracked.

    My plan ? secure enough money to move south of the border, bending over backward in the mean time, trying to escape the upcoming gulag.

  6. #46
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Canadian brother View Post
    we have a raging feminist communist globalist beta male in power and you attack the one man we have-...
    At this point, I don't even consider him man. He could become a "she" that wouldn't make a damn difference.

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghostie View Post
    The Supreme Court of Canada's position on firearms in a nutshell: The regulation of firearms falls within the Federal government's power under section 91(27) of the Constitution Act, 1867, giving Parliament the power to make law related to the criminal law. Full stop. That is our nightmare version of the "2nd Amendment": Parliament has the full scope of power to regulate firearms as it sees fit. See Reference re Firearms Act (Can.) [2000] 1 SCR 783 for some really depressing reading if you have any doubt of that, or want to talk about the rights of Provinces in the area of "property and civil rights".
    This answers a question I have had over the last while, and it IS depressing. But, isn't there a difference between regulating and effectively banning? If you regulate to the point where it might as well be banned, doesn't that go beyond what would have been contemplated in the constitution? At that point, could it be argued to conflict with certain basic rights in the constitution?


    And what about a province like Alberta using the notwithstanding clause?

    I scanned just the first part of that link, and almost right away it talks about the Firearms Act and links to public safety. At some point, don't these general goals get met to a standard that is reasonable without going way beyond what is reasonable when you consider the negative impact it has on us being free to do as we please while not harming anyone as law abiding gun owners?

    It just seems crazy to me the all these pet 'progressive' pet projects get challenged in court, and yet how do this issue never get it's day?
    Last edited by BlueSkyDreams; 08-30-2018 at 01:19 AM.

  8. #48
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghostie View Post
    The least we can do is TRY to elect a Conservative government.
    You're alone on that. Harper was stupid enough to make it more difficult for permanent resident to get citizenship. Now you're all right, I'm not a Canadian so I can't understand your struggle, yadi, yada.

    All in all, I thought Canada was a great balance between the US and Europe... I was probably wrong. As I mentioned, my plan are now to focus on shielding a ####load of money by any means (ie. even contrary to good morals, though still legal... kinda) and get a ranch in the US, in a friendly state.

    edit: and I'll probably freeload on healthcare by hopefully keeping my future Canadian citizenship and a dummy residency in BC.

    edit2: the CPC are center left (at best), probably too much on the left for my taste anyway, nothing close to "Conservative". Between a cuck and a cuck, there isn't much difference.
    Last edited by essorx; 08-30-2018 at 01:25 AM.

  9. #49
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    Actually what happened was the Government of the time after Hungerford jumped on the emotion at the time and used the event to push through major gun control/confiscations somewhat how the Trudeau Government are doing with the TO shooting.
    As an example Suppressors are legal in the UK so not to scare anyone when legal gun owners are using their weapons hunting.

    I believe the only option left is to focus all energy on getting a Conservative Government into power, no polls, no letters, no emails just votes.
    We are surrounded by sheeple who believe the police or the Government will come to their rescue at any time.

  10. #50
    CGN Ultra frequent flyer Chumlee Bumsnag's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by essorx View Post
    On the long run, no matter how many people we convert, I don't think it's going to make a difference. Canadians are overwelmingly against firearms. We're pretty much fracked.

    My plan ? secure enough money to move south of the border, bending over backward in the mean time, trying to escape the upcoming gulag.
    Great idea! Unfortunately you won't be able to bring or own firearms 'south of the border' until you meet certain citizenship requirements. But hey! I'll look after them till you get that sorted.

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